Bluegill - Big Bluegill

Do you love big bluegill?

Massive Bluegill Pond / Lake Near Chicago?

Monster Gill Lake Near Chicago?

I am looking to create a panfish instruction video. While I can do some of this video on fishing urban waters and "regular ponds" for kids and new anglers - people dig the long ball (baseball home runs). 

(New note- I am thinking that there aren't any monster gill lakes - if anyone knows of one- please get in touch)

I mean to say, they have to see big fish for you to be a subject expert right. I mean, this site isn't called medium-sized - not that this is wrong. That said, I would like to find someone who would invite me in for a day or two - watching the weather and would have some shoreline or dock access to waters with some line-stretching man hole cover fish.

If you have a resort you want to promote through, Magazines, Twitter, Press Releases and video clips- I will supply all the editing and final product to promote your resort with this footage (win-win).  Contact me if you have a small spot (or resort) either way if you want to keep it secret or if you want to shout it to the world - come fish our spot!!

Note- I would protect the location. I will not wish to fish again there unless you want another meeting or session in the area - say on the 40' pole or finesse float fishing. I would trade you some close-up teaching sessions tailored to your style of fishing, live bait float, telescopic pole, spin casting, or take-apart-pole fishing and bank fishing tactics for some time on your water.

I would bring bait like you never have seen and would share secrets with you. We can fish 100% catch-and-release. A bit catch- video and release but you get the picture. All fish would be returned slightly more a celebrity but well-fed and better off for their time.

If you do have a prized lake such as this, I would like to set something up in May or July with you to spend at least one day on the water - watching the weather on a Thursday - Friday to plan our fishing day either Saturday, Sunday or the entire weekend. 

I even have a few treats I can leave with you if we can get some good footage. I am hoping the fans here either have a water or know of a water where they can get permission from a friend where we can catch the largest bag of bluegills you have ever seen in your entire lifetime (snap a few photos) and let them swim away. I would like to try to get a bag of bluegills that takes two humans to lift out of the water. I will show you how, but you need to promise me that you will:

1.  Take some kids and adult friends out to teach them

2. That you will be a good steward of the local waters and always return the big specimens/p>

3. Write a little testimonial about the fishing that I can use

Get in touch with me, put a post here and let me know you have a good spot. We can take it from there.. Who's up for adventure?

Still Looking - please call 630.235.2162 if you have a monster gill lake we can use. As incentive I provide all the bait and will give you three prototype bluegill rigs (with confidentiality agreement). These rigs destroy finicky gills.



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Comment by LedHed on October 22, 2014 at 5:26pm

I would really enjoy watching/learning Real Ultra Light fishing at Lake Perris, Johnny, and at Lake Havasu. That would make a video!

If you ever get out here.... Let me know.

Comment by Johnny wilkins on October 22, 2014 at 5:08pm


we live to close to not have gone fishing -what gives?

I am trouting this weekend - still catching some gills.

Do you have a big gill spot where we can hit? I know we are behind the 8-ball compared to those big Southern fish - but I am willing to supply bait! Do you have an idea where we could go?

I do ask that we fish a couple spots for a bit - I don't want to blow around the lake and blow past the fish.

Any interest in trying to get a Northern Bluegill event going? I have a catch-and-release lake with some decent gills on it (Arlington Heights).


Comment by jim cosgrove on October 22, 2014 at 3:14pm

they are out there johnny but you will have to wait for the spawn next spring,

Comment by Johnny wilkins on October 22, 2014 at 12:23pm


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