Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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I finished work early today and headed out to my favorite pond. I tried a quill float for the first time, and that is all I'll ever use to hang ice jigs under unless I have no choice...that thing was so sensitive, and I realize that I have missed HUNDREDS of fish in the past because of my float.

To start off, I caught this gorgeous fish with a chartreuse/black tube on a #12 ice jig. The action of that bobber was like a video game! I put her on the stringer with a couple of others from the same spot, tied it off to a stump and walked a little bit. That's when I heard the snaps on my stringer rattling violently.


This guy had one of my gills by the tail and was trying to make off with them. Big nasty snapping turtle. He was so stubborn that I had time to take a pic before I got my fish back. A couple of bite marks on the tail, but all three still in good shape, I went back to my car. I grabbed the bucket that my fish were going to end up in anyway.

This is what ended up going into the bucket. I had brought some crickets, but the fish wouldn't leave the ice jigs alone, so after awhile I just let all the crickets go. (Who wants to mess with insects when an artificial is working like this?)







This is my sink with a day's catch in it...thank God I'm not married...I would've had to clean these outside!


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Comment by Marvin. Brewer on April 13, 2014 at 1:16pm

I went to Pistol Pete web sight and got some good spinner #10, but I am looking for some bigger spinner bait.

Comment by Marvin. Brewer on April 13, 2014 at 1:05pm

Thank you Dick tabbert for the welcome to bluegill. sound like a great bunch of people. I am a disable vet. lost my right hand but still  like to fish. Now i am looking for a good place to get some bluegill spinner baits.I wish everyone has a great day.

Comment by sean kerley on April 7, 2014 at 5:48pm

What kinda deal, Carl? Joe, I checked out that site...I'm buying a house Monday...once I close on it, I'm gonna order a few of these


Comment by Joe Angelucci on April 6, 2014 at 6:48pm

 I was able to find the quills in an on line store. I picked up 4 for my pole rig

Comment by carl hendrix on April 5, 2014 at 10:18am

sean-- give me a few days-- working on a deal now- I think!!

Comment by sean kerley on April 5, 2014 at 10:06am

Where can I find a real quill float? My local wally's doesn't carry it, neither do the two tackle shops around here. Is there a place I can order from?

Comment by Lord of the Fly , Rods on April 5, 2014 at 6:30am

Ok , well if you liked that float you need to get a quill and try it, and pick up a small cricket tube, it makes it a lot easier for cricket management for those days the bluegill  prefer a fresh meal. That small drop of cricket juice that comes out when you hook that cricket  really seems to make them want to take your bait before the other fish gets it, I know you can get more distance from a spinning rod but try it with a fly rod  , nothing like the feel of pulling them in with your hand  instead of a winch , oh I mean spinning reel. LOFR

Comment by carl hendrix on April 5, 2014 at 6:04am

we have to get you a real quill float!!

Comment by Joe Angelucci on April 5, 2014 at 1:12am


Nice work. It's amazing what you catch when you think small. Thrill makes smaller floats like the mini shy bite and don't be worried about using #16 hooks. 


Comment by sean kerley on April 4, 2014 at 11:58pm

Well, it wasn't actually a porcupine quill...just a thill I grabbed at wally world. It was still WAAAAAY more sensitive than what I'm used to. I can't wait to try it at my favorite canal where the beasts live!

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