Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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theirs alot of thing that happen around me on a daily that reminds me of my granddad.  still live in his old house. he was a very well known and respected man. he was a bluegill angler,nothing else. he tault me alot about fishing and fishing for bluegill. he love the fish so much when he died the pic of him at the ceromony was him hoding up two bluegill from his favorite lake. i been doing alot of fishing lately,but a week ago i cault the biggest bluegill i ever seen in my life. before i could do anything with the fish all i could do was think of my granddad and how proud he would be jus to see those big brims as he would say!!! i miss u granddaddy and im always after the big one for you!!!!

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Comment by Shawn Allison on June 27, 2012 at 11:28am

That is great!  I think taking kids fishing is one of the most important things we can do.  Those memories never die.  Watching that pencil float vanish is something that will still excite me even if i live to be 110.  :-)

Comment by Bill "Musky" Modica on June 26, 2012 at 7:38pm

It sounds like grandpa's methods were tried and true.....old school, and highly effective!

I took my grandson out fishing for the first time a few weeks ago.....I hope he picks up my old school knowledge as you did.....and remembers you do him.

Comment by bwood on June 26, 2012 at 7:11pm

no matter what i do or try.....i cant get away from my training! my granddad fished one way and he tault me that one way same as my dad they tault me the same things...LIVE BAIT! im open to try new things and other ways of fishing but if it dont work i get inpatient and go back to what i know!every move i make on a lke is what my granddad would do. lol i find myself telln other people that their way is no good. but i love this site. this is my facebook. im learning alot from u guys everyday. i wish granddad was alive to see how fishing has evolved and the new ways of doing things he would ove this


Comment by Jim Gronaw on June 26, 2012 at 5:53pm

Wow! What a dedication to a family member who got it right! I am sure that the next generation of bluegill fishermen will not stop with you, BW!

Comment by Tony Livingston on June 26, 2012 at 5:30pm

Very nice BW. I'm sure your Granddad smiled when you caught that big BG.

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