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Garage Sale Flyrods in need of Repair

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Comment by John Sheehan on July 7, 2013 at 11:13am

Thanks for your input Ray and Dave appreciate it!

Comment by David, aka, "McScruff" on July 7, 2013 at 10:48am
getting a separated ferrule apart is trouble. Heat and penetrating oil could help, of
they held fast by corrosion. Worst case, you will need an expanding extractor, similar to a pipe extractor.
Try freezing it, then use a heat gun to quickly heat the outer portion only. It may take several
of these attempts to loosen them. Them you need the extractor to remove the male ferrule.

Once apart, epoxy will reattach everything.
Comment by Ray Ditzenberger on July 7, 2013 at 9:38am

I would volunteer to repair the rods if you are not concerned about the new wraps looking like the original wraps. Considering the shipping I doubt it would be worth while. It would be much more effective to have them repaired locally and I am sure somebody there does do that kind of work and I am sure better than I can do it. I am just a hack. I would advise you to buy the materials and do your own repairs. I am sure there is instruction somewhere on the net. Just do a google search. .......I do not think the reel is a multiplyer. It looks like a single action to me which is much better IMO. If I remember correctly the drag mechanism is a copy of the Hardy which was a common thing to do back then. Some of those old glass rods were great. Enjoy

Comment by John Sheehan on July 7, 2013 at 8:07am

The Brooklyn 'G' rod is missing the stripping guide .I want to find someone local I can take it too that'll wrap a new one on .I am also curious about buffing up and de rusting guides or if I should have them all replaced .

Comment by John Sheehan on July 7, 2013 at 8:03am

That's a Daiwa reel David .It may be a multiplier ,not a single action .I've only used it a few times .As for the rod,the ferrules are stuck together .They need to be pulled apart and the male section needs to be reglued .I gotta get some ideas on going about doing this with out wrecking it .I am notoriously rough on things .Like a Bull in a China shop.

Comment by David, aka, "McScruff" on July 6, 2013 at 5:04pm

Nice rescues, John.

The reel looks like a multiplier with a drag? That is cool. Why are fly reel handles on the wrong side, anyway?

I currently use a spin fly combo rod, mostly because its all I have at the moment. It seems to work okay, IMHO.

Comment by DAVID L EITUTIS on July 6, 2013 at 10:02am

YUP THAT'S WHY THE SEAT IS SO LONG IS SO YOU CAN SLIDE THE ADJUSTABLE BANDS UP AND DOWN THE HANDLE.AGE? WELL the Action rods like this one were probably late 50's early 60's . The G rod who knows for sure , not familiar with those but probably mid 60's if I had to guess. Good buys both of em even if you have to spend money on em to refinish cause ya basically got em free in the first place  !!!!!!!! If I was you I"d try to contact Walt Foreman on here and see what he thinks he'd charge and if he'd do them for ya. HIs work is as good as it gets in my opinion ..

Comment by John Sheehan on July 6, 2013 at 9:32am

They are both Fiber glass rods I guess .Any idea on what brand that 'G' rod made in Broolyn is / The wraps look pretty fancy .I wonder how old these rods are !?


Comment by John Sheehan on July 6, 2013 at 9:31am

Ah so that's why the cork handle is so long ?


Comment by DAVID L EITUTIS on July 6, 2013 at 9:26am

YUP SEEN these action rods before and this one is a fly spin combo rod and were used in both ways . What ever suited the user is what they did. Surprizingly they usually cast pretty well using the traditional spinning guides. Seen lots of the 4 section Wonderods that cast great that had two seat systems on the same rods.....

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