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Does any else ever get ticked off at their PC , cause lately I have I wish it had feelings so I could at least whack it. My old one crashed I was told it was not worth fixing OK, Went out and bought a new one, problem solved wrong!!!!! A few days ago that one crashed of course I had it long enough so I could not return it where I bought it at the big box store. They said send it to who made it the good folks at dell will be glad to take care of this small problam.
Oh right education time before they will look at or give a mailing # we have to do a diagnostics scan 4 XXOOXX hours later to find out it is a soft ware problem. I forgot to mention this whole process was being taught to me by a poor fellow in India whom I could not understand and when I politely mentioned this thought I said I could not hear him. Now just call Bill Gates and he will take of this little matter for you sir.
Back to India at least I could some what understand this operator. No problam sir you o format your computer and reenter your operating system and I will talk you through this. Oh sir this may take a little while Oh my gosh you all get the picture well it up and running now. Thank you Bruce and Aron I have a few of my fishing pictures that I can recover. And now I know what it means to backup your files.
Oh did i mention formatting wiped out my internet acess that was a call to fair point who told me to call dell back to India.

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Comment by bluegillboogieman on February 20, 2010 at 5:43am
I just figured out why my $1000 current laptop has the hiccups. It needs a new battery. Apparently they only last about 2 years no matter what. New battery is $140.00. Wish I had known before I went and bought a new laptop. $700 and it won't find either of my laser printers. Something about 64bit vs 32 bit. I been bit!. Ain't worth two bits. I got to be able to use them printers to earn money to buy new computers and batteries and all.

That ain't all makes computers worth slavin' for. I found one of my fav fishin' holes online. Found it on Craigs List under boats for sale. They ain't got no category for fishin' holes. I already had a boat but I was lookin' for a cheap, bigger boat. The boat I already had is perfect for wheelin' into my new found fishin' hole too. I wasn't even lookin' for a new fishin' hole. There it was though, right where I wasn't huntin' it. Right there on my computer screen. One of my computer screens, I've have so many now.

Comment by shooter on February 20, 2010 at 5:12am
hey Howard how you doing,them old puters are a love hate relationship with me, we have three here at the camp. one is a lap top(my wife's)and to pc's and like you'all it seems they are always getting something ,kinda like an old outboard when it takes a notion it just ant gona run.
we are luckey our son's are computer literate and they both live real close,we also have a nephew that lives a down the lane who builds computers an is real good .

gators are not friendly
Comment by bluegillboogieman on December 12, 2009 at 5:56am
I had one of those local yocals build one for me without the junk. Worked fine for a few years, then it's hard drive died. I was smart and had a backup hard drive built in when he built it. Everything I actually remembered to back up is hopefully still safe on it. Can't get to it 'cause the main drive is dead. Local yocal done moved!!!!!! Left the country I reckon. Can't find him. Bought me a laptop from Big Box. Works fine a few years now. I strongly suspect that may be their average lifespan no matter who builds 'em. Paid >$1,000 for it. Just bought our granddaughter a similar, though upgraded one for < $500. My wife liked it so much she bought herself one bigger and better for <$500. Lets see? 500+500+1000+300 Local yocal+2500 first laptop +3500 first computer period=$8300.00 and this >$1000 I'm pounding on is got the hiccups!
Comment by Jim Barndt on August 15, 2009 at 2:10pm
Here's something I learned last year. The next time your comp take's a crap, look in the yellow page's, I dont know where you live but I'll bet there's someone with in 15 mile's of your house that build's and repair's pc's. He'll build you one with only the thing's you need in a pc. Half the thing's the big compines put in there Pc's you dont need. I bought a new one last year for $400.00, that come's with a key board and mouse, plus he took my old one put everything I had stored in the new one. Now if anything go's wrong I only have to drive about 15 mile's with it under my arm's and hand it to him, and guess what he speek's perfict english. I will never bye a pc from a retale store agen.

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"Understand……hope you get out soon Bruce!"
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"I dressed better the 2nd outing, Jeff! LOL Was more comfortable."
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1st bassxrap

"Way to endure the cold water John…"
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