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Just received my Outdoor Oklahoma magazine and want to send out a hearty CONGRATULATIONS to GREG MCWILLIAMS for being featured in an article on catching Sunfish using a flyrod and flies! WTG Greg! 

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Comment by Greg McWilliams on March 17, 2014 at 7:34pm

Jay, I couldn't agree more, if any thing hits besides SUNFISH, I am not impressed!!!!!!!!!

American Horse lake is closed between working on the DAM and the DROUGHT is so PERSISTENT it has no water!!!!!!! PREMIER REDEAR DESTINATION!!!!!!!!!,

Comment by Jay Fogle on March 17, 2014 at 7:23pm

Great article - congrats!

I lived in Oklahoma for almost ten years while in the Air Force and married a local gal so we go back often. My brother in law and I had a lot of great Friday nights overnight into Saturday morning in the middle of the summer out at American Horse Lake and a couple of other smaller lakes going after gills. I kinda always thought of Sunfish as a big deal there - but came to realize not many other people did. (I posted in another post that the same brother in law once caught a 15 inch (stocked) trout while we were bluegill fishing - he exclaimed loudly " man!, that trash fish is messing with my bluegill fishing" :) 

Comment by Greg McWilliams on March 14, 2014 at 3:34pm

HAHA, MARK!!!! CELEB STATUS, haha!!!!!! I did finally get to read the write up YESTERDAY!!!!! OKLAHOMA is a bass state or a catfish state, not a BLUEGILL STATE!!!!! I catch both chasing BLUEGILL!!!!!! It was an HONOR to be ASKED about MY PASSION of FLY RODDIN and BLUEGILLIN!!!!

I WOULD have chosen one of the other PICTURES SUBMITTED, but I am NOT an EDITOR!!!!!!!

Comment by Mark Stine on March 14, 2014 at 2:22pm

wow Greg!! congrats on reaching celebrity status!!!!  Just don't let it change that smile!!! Thanks for sharing Jen!!

Comment by Greg McWilliams on March 11, 2014 at 6:58pm

JEN NAYFLY, Thanks for BRINGING this to MY ATTENTION!!!!! 


Comment by Greg McWilliams on March 11, 2014 at 6:54pm

WOW, I got to get to TOWN and FIND a COPY!!!! I heard about it at work this morning but haven't seen it!!!!!! Thanks to the GOOD FOLK here I have LEARNED a LOT!!!!!! HEY BLUEGILL, REDEAR and GILLCRACKERS  are where it at!!!!!!!

Comment by David, aka, "McScruff" on March 11, 2014 at 6:44pm
Couldn't have happened to a more photogenic guy LOL
SO, what 5 flies are you recommending to your readers?
Comment by Walt Foreman on March 11, 2014 at 6:38pm

Simply fantastic!  Way to go, Greg - it couldn't happen to a nicer or more deserving guy!

Comment by Jeffrey D. Abney on March 11, 2014 at 4:19pm

Cool Greg.....thanks for sharing Jen!

Comment by DAVID L EITUTIS on March 11, 2014 at 3:56pm


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