Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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NEW CONTEST!!!! Bluegill Bling just in Time for Spring!!!!!

What's that you say? You didn't get what you really wanted for Christmas, You've easily broken half of your new year's resolutions already, and your team lost the Super Bowl? Not to mention that the weather stinks, you're unable to go fishing, and you've already organized that durn tackle box so many times that the plastic hinges snapped off?"

"Well you've come to the right place guys and gals, because you KNOW puts a smile on your face! And now we're gonna' give you the chance to put some new bugs in that broken down tackle box of yours, too!

BBG member Tooty wants to give away some of his infamous and deadly, hand tied Bluegill bugs....and we're going to help him do it! The rules are simple.....we all know that Big Bluegill I want to know WHY you think so!

Tell us your favorite thing about do you like the most.....anything at all. There are no wrong answers here, and everybody that responds will be entered in a drawing for Tooty's bugs. It's just that simple. Mods and their families are not eligible to participate but everyone else is, so what are you waiting for! Believe it or not, spring is just around the corner and those big gills' are gonna be hungry.......they're gonna' want to chow down, and this box is just what you need to set out the buffet. So let's hear it......don't be shy, share what you like about BBG with all of us:....................


The contest starts NOW, and will run until Saturday, Feb. 16th, at 7:00 pm. At which time I will collect the names of everyone who entered and have one of my kids draw a winner....provided I don't get eaten by a giant HBG before then............ let's all be sure to thank Tooty for his generosity, and give a shout out to the man who makes this whole BBG thing possible also.....Dr. Bruce Condello!

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Comment by David, aka, "McScruff" on February 14, 2013 at 9:36am

Yay, Tooty. Hooray, Dr. Bruce

ENTRY - What do I like abot BBG? The comaraderie among like minded people.

Comment by dick tabbert on February 14, 2013 at 9:10am

There is much to like here a BBG and Bruce probably didn't know it at the time when he got this site up and going all the influences this site would have on peoples lives. I say its a site but in all actuality its truly a large family, a family of people of all walks of life all nationalities and all income levels and the friendliest atmosphere you will find only at BBG. We all share that same common denominator them beautiful fishes in the Sunfish family. We all want to learn all we can to improve us to be better and more productive fisherman/fisherwoman. We pat each other on the back for our good deeds our shared work, we share in conversation, pictures and video's and hopefully we may have helped someone to improve on there fishing skills, lord I personally have learned a lot myself. This is a site with the friendliest atmosphere as any I have ever seen. We may not all agree but we can agree to disagree and let it go at that and I found this site does that very well. I can go on and on but the bottom line is, we love to fish, we love to talk fishing, we love to help other people in all kinds of ways, by talking, pictures, videos and just being there for help if at all possible. Yea Bruce what an accomplishment not just the site but the best fishing friendly informational site on the web today. Thank you  for a job well done.

Comment by Tony Livingston on February 14, 2013 at 8:15am

Gotcha' Mike.... still glad you took the time to respond with those kind words....much appreciated!

Comment by Tim Cotton on February 14, 2013 at 4:24am
I like the pretty pictures.
Comment by Bruce Condello on February 13, 2013 at 8:38pm

This is putting a huge smile on my face.  Thank you.  I really need this.  It's been a lousy week, but now it's lookin' WAAAY up.

Comment by carl hendrix on February 13, 2013 at 8:09pm

theres no better way to sum it all up; than what tooty said!  we have all shared our ideas patterens and help to one another. there is no ONE person we help; we try to help everybody. the pix that are sent in of catches; kids;; family;; and friends;; say it all.  and thanks to tooty; rex; allen ; jeffery; hahaha way to many for me to mention; my inital fly tying has improved greatly;; thanks guys

Comment by Greg McWilliams on February 13, 2013 at 7:22pm

The chance to SHARE and LEARN from FOLKS that have the same PASSION for BLUEGILL that I have!!!!! GREAT JOB TOOTIE!!!!!!


Comment by DAVID L EITUTIS on February 13, 2013 at 6:25pm

LISTEN FOLKS NO THANKS NEEDED , BUT ANY THAT COME MY WAY ARE SINCERELY APPRECIATED. i know some may be asking why did he do this two years in a row now ? Well it's simple really . I like hearing stories and seeing pics , it's that simple.....Last years winner , JACOB HILL, will surely use my bugs and catch a few fish maybe , if the wind is right and he goes fishing !!!!!! I can't wait to hear his stories and see the photos. 
   Also there are many , many people on here I admire and appreciate being on their friends list and not the least of which is Dr. Bruce... He makes this all possible , not me . I also love seeing kids catch fish on my baits and  I know as sure as I'm writing this that Sir Jeffrey will have the little ones out soon and hope they catch a few on my baits or Jim G"s baits . I know what kind of other folks are on here too and just trying to give something back to the sport  I so love, CHASING GILLS....
  THERE COMES a time in everyones life when they know the end is a lot nearer than the begging was . That's me now at that point and if my baits help inspire someone to try their hand at making bugs, great cause I"ve accomplished my goal in life . If my baits help just OOOOOOOOOOOne child catch his first fish , than it doesn't get any better than that folks. Had a selfish person once tell me , your going to do what , show people how to make the bugs !!!!!! I said yeah why not? He said then they'll know the secrets . I said yeah so what , they are fishing bugs and there are no secrets as far as I"m concerned . We are talking Nuclear Secrets here just fishing bugs...... He didn't get it then and still doesn't .IF we can't help one another than our society is lost forever and not worth saving at that point . I"m glad to help anyone and sorry for the long rant.......


Comment by Bill Purmort on February 13, 2013 at 5:49pm

I'm with Bob on this one....Faith, Family and Fun!   Faith that drives me each and every day to do things the way they should be done and if so then a huge Bluegill will grab my bug.  Family, as in those who love to share things, call it as it is, and share unsel"fish"ly...there is that word again  fish....and Fun!  How can you explain to anyone but fishermen/women how much fun you can have over, bugs flies, fish, boats, kids, sweat and tears....go

and Thank you

Comment by DAVID L EITUTIS on February 13, 2013 at 5:49pm

Thanks Bruce for making this all possible and you are an insperation to all us old Geezers and everyone else on here too. Can't say enough good about " THE LEADER OF THE BAND, BRUCE CONDELLO " AND all his minions on here that help him get things done and take charge of a contest like this... Bruce think I'll be SFITG tonight buddy !!!!!!!!!!.......

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"💯...Spot on, Jeff!!"
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"Nice egg layer…..distinct orange ear tab…."
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"Monster in spawning colors…..really nice…..congrats on a good day and a great season…"
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