Bluegill - Big Bluegill

Do you love big bluegill?

Can't wait to try these out. If I can get em' tied on!

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Comment by Mark Stine on December 22, 2013 at 6:18am

those look great I think the materials you guys speculated on is probably spot on. floss with a wire rib or the acetate..  the coating might be clear nail polish or one of the uv light cured epoxies

Comment by DAVID L EITUTIS on December 21, 2013 at 9:27pm

Yup ALLEN they look like scud hooks to me and yeah it appears something has coated the body , GREAT LOOK IN THINK.YUP I also agree on the tungsten bead and wire lead or something on the body would suffice to get it down I think . That would eliminate the need for split shot or something else for a weight. Also nothing between the angler and the bait except for line. .......

Comment by Tony Livingston on December 21, 2013 at 7:43pm

I agree Jim. Conditions vary, and what the fish want to see can vary right along with it. Larger lures may be acceptable on unpressured, unwary fish, AND they may take larger fish....but pressured fish can be cautious fish, and downsizing is often needed to coax a bite. And cold water gills nearly always do better for me on the smaller stuff.  I also believe that smaller lures will take both small and larger Bluegills, with the angler's job being one of targeting the bigger specimens in the school......not always easy to be sure. If the fish are aggressive, then it may be time to upsize your offering, to help limit culling of smaller fish.

Comment by jim cosgrove on December 21, 2013 at 7:29pm

thanks joe-gonna look into that.and tony an 18 is pretty small.guys think my sz 12 flies are too small.we just dont have as aggressive fish as the south.come to think of it they are more aggressive in southern illinois.well being stuck in the chicago area the fish are very pressured which usually means downsizing

Comment by Joe Angelucci on December 21, 2013 at 7:22pm


The device is a hook tyer. Works great. The one pictured is a Stonfo 


Comment by Tony Livingston on December 21, 2013 at 6:15pm

These are listed as size 18.

Comment by jim cosgrove on December 21, 2013 at 5:18pm

tony you can get small hooks with over sized could snell them also.they also got a thing that holds flies and tiny hooks while you tie em on.looks like a pen

Comment by jim cosgrove on December 21, 2013 at 5:15pm

i would lash a piece of solder or thick lead wire on top of the hook.really lash it down,then smash it down a little with pliers to shape it.might use acetate floss.then plasticize it with acetone.clear nail polish and i think it would do the job.what size are these tony?14?

Comment by jim cosgrove on December 21, 2013 at 5:10pm

tony i got about 2 acres of golden rod,my kics used to go out and look for the "worm homes"as they called that ball the worm makes in the stem.a lot of work to cut them out,the ones i remember grow to 5-6 feet.look like a daisey or brown eyed susan in late fall.they grow in clumps due to reseeding themselves.the dead stem will have several larvae a little bigger than a spike.i think you have to see the flower and then remember where they were

Comment by Allen Morgan on December 21, 2013 at 3:30pm

Tooty, what do you think?  Scud hooks, floss for the body, and either thread wire for ribbing.  Looks like the body has been lacquered?  Maybe a good tungsten bead on the hood, or lead tape wrapped on the shank, might eliminate the need for a split shot on the line?

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