Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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Heres a trophie i won with a nine inch redear on a gainespan pop!

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Comment by bluegillboogieman on March 8, 2010 at 7:15am
doomaflothchy--doomaflotchy. Greg, you used two different spellings. The first one is a lot harder to say so it must be a highly technical scientific term. The second one from your description is a Killer Whale. Thingamajig must be the lure you said you caught it on though I still believe Killer Whales only hit live bait like surfers, seals and crickets. Unless a thingamajig is a really good FAKE cricket!

Rednecks has unusual words too. You just can't spell most of 'em. When you hear 'em spoken though, you get the picture.

That gettin' the picture brings up how important proper written grammer is to us rednecks. Zack made a simple typo in his original tale of what he caught his trophy fish on. We all make those small typos. What was originally written was "gainespan pop". And now, the rest of the story.

The Gaines family owned a local public swimming pool where I spent a lot of time in my youth. Their son Bobby was good off the diving board. His signature dive was the "Gainer". He would come off the board facing outward and come over backwards in an upside down swan dive. It was way cool! He always finished head first into the water. So I tried it. Once! I started over backwards into my upside down swan and sorta just hung there. Like an upside down turkey. Then came the pop! "Gainespan pop". See how a simple omission of a space can fling a fellow back through a time warp and just leave him hangin' there in space? So everyone please be careful with your spelling. You never know where you might send someone like me.

I just hope that one day Zack, something simple flings you back to your youth and the time you caught that trophy "cracker"!!!!!!
Comment by Greg McWilliams on March 8, 2010 at 5:50am
Zack, you need to show the Bama kid a picture of the Gaines popper. This is a teachable moment for Boogieman. Boogie, doomaflotchy is a simple word. Doom means deadly, and flotchy is something that flotches around on the bank after you catch it. I suppose you don't know what a thingamajig is either?
Comment by Jeremy R. Mayo on March 7, 2010 at 4:18pm
HORAY FOR doomaflothchy!
Comment by Zack Thomasson on March 7, 2010 at 6:24am
It was a bought popper
Comment by bluegillboogieman on March 6, 2010 at 7:58pm
Is it an original by you? Or a bought popper us live cricket men never knew about?
Comment by Zack Thomasson on March 6, 2010 at 6:26pm
Yes it is a popper!
Comment by bluegillboogieman on March 6, 2010 at 4:27pm
doomaflothchy......who invented that? Zack must have fallen into the black hole of fly tying. Pity. There is no escape.
Comment by Greg McWilliams on March 6, 2010 at 3:59pm
Boogie, it probaply a new doomaflothchy Zack created. He is pretty crafty you know. He is also a fine fisherman also.
Comment by Jeremy R. Mayo on March 6, 2010 at 1:01pm
them bama fans stay confuseded!
Comment by bluegillboogieman on March 6, 2010 at 9:13am
I'm confusededer than ever. Is it a popper?

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