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Here's mine for open water season 2015

I just wanted to share my favorite slip bobber rig for the past 2015 season.

2015 open water season found me fishing out of my kayak and limiting my supply of fishing rods to just 3 on board. An UL jigging rod, UL slip bobber rig and an UL drop shot rig. After weeks of tweaking slip bobber systems I ended up with this rig. Most of my UL fishing experiences were shallow less than 2 FOW casting under overhanging brush and next to dense weed slop or inside slop pockets of open water.

The rod I settled on is a Diawa Crossfire 562ULFS series rod with incredible value … under 20.00. the rod is a fast action tip for the first third of the blank and then quickly develops a significant back bone for the remainder . I believe this is the main reason it develops such accurate casting and flipping into tight targets. This system if used correctly I believe would eliminate the need for a long fixed rod for stealth. After some practice I was able to drop the bobber with a flip with a very quiet presentation.

This rig has caught some very large preds such as LMB hitting the 5# mark and N’Pike hitting the 30 inch mark. The large preds would dive and dig into cover and the power pro braid would cut thru the slop and veggies like a weed whacker.

The line is an important component in this configuration providing sensitivity, power, toughness and its inherent weed whacking ability.

The slip bobber is Pro series Thill providing sensitivity and stealth when entering the target area. Use enough split shot to balance the float to a neutral position.

Stop knot was a UNI Knot tied with30# Dacron in bright chartreuse for line signal property of visibility.


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Yep to the short rods John… and I very rarely fish more than 3 ft deep when UL slip floating… going deeper requires larger floats and more weight for me… I cant remember the last time I slip floated with heavier tackle. When the fish are deeper I long-cast/tiny jigs or drop shot for them.


When i keep that knot tight and small with thinner diameter medium for the slip knot as thread or braid, casting becomes less of a problem due to less resistance of line going over the knot on the spool.

4/3/17 Water Temp almost 52 degrees Perch have finally showed up by the NW cove .13 Perch in a short time , Long Casting 32nd oz. buck tail jig /crawler piece from shore .I like Squirrel tail ,Buck tail and Marabou Jigs for Perch and have caught many using them . 4# Mono, Daiwa Spinmatic UL reel, 7,1/2' Berkeley Dough Series Rod .


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