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What is your favorite rod and reel for Pumpkinseeds? I am looking to buy a new one and would like some advice. Also are there any spinners or crankbaits that can be used?


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I think a 8 1/2 -9ft  4wt fly rod  medfast action with a floating line and a 5wt intermediate line would do the trick. You do not need a fancy reel with a fly rod.  Jim Ducy aka: Fishin' Jimmy

A zebco 33, 8-12 lb line , a pole that is limber and allows one to feel whats happenning.  Seriously , for those punkin seeds you need no big cash out lay 2 35-50 dollar rigs are more than enuff for me to "fill tha bucket." Now my monster cats are another story.

Baits...I have had the best luck with the old classic beetlespin in the south yellow/blackstripe or white with red dot, other wise shrimp on some days and worms on others.

Thank you for the advice guys. I will be getting a new rod and reel before spring. I will get some small beetle spins. I would really like to try fly fishing, I just don't know how.

Duane noprobllem on the flyfishing. If you got the will I got plenty of time. April, May andJune are great months to get started. I have plenty of rods  and equipment to help you get started.  Jim Ducy PS anyone else in southern Wisconsin or Northern Il who is intrested inflyfishing-flytying or jigmaking feel free to contact me.

I would love to have you teach me to fly fish with you. I would like to learn fly tying also. Please let me know if you would be interested in teaching me to fly tye this winter. It would be a great hobby and then I would have flies for spring. Please private message me. Thank you, Duane

Pflueger President Reel with 2# test fixed to a Shimano Sensilite 6' rod


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