Bluegill - Big Bluegill

Do you love big bluegill?

Ok, so many 'Gill waters cannot stand anymore fishin'. We hesitate to name favorite waters. Me too. I will name Salt Fork res.. as a good big 'gill water. Pymatuning also good. I'll also give up East Branch Res., as a good panfish lake. Now its your turn, cough it up. steve b

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Hueston woods in ohio always produces good gills for me also white water park in southeast Indiana.
I am from south central Indiana and have never heard of this place? what town is it in?
WOW asking someone to give up there honey hole,good luck with that.I will say that dawson lake in morane view state park is an outstanding gill fishery,holding lots of 1+pounders.
How ever my secret spot will stay just that,MY secret spot
Am most definitely NOT asking for honey holes. The ones I listed are public waters anyone can fish. They are big enough waters to satnd more fishing. Also big enough waters that you still have to find the bigger fish. They are waters that have turned up bigger than average 'gills for me over the yrs that I'll share. As you've said Tony, there are "secret spots" on those waters that will remian so till your in my boat ! LOL. steve b
Sullivan ,Clay and Green counties in Indiana,full of strip pits ,nice gills but you,ll have to fish some to find the best ones ,but it should'nt take long.State Fish and wildlife areas in the surronding areas are also great.many times during the week you are alone,slightly busyer on weekends
Have friend just home from a weekend at Salt Fork. Ice cover at 30-50%. He and his kids fished open patches using Berkeley Gulp maggots and caught Crappie. steve b


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"Oh, good for you, Bruce. More satisfying!"
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"Hey John, I Have, but I also tie my own."
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