Bluegill - Big Bluegill

Do you love big bluegill?

Okay, so you fly fish. Or maybe not. But, you want to be better, or maybe just get into more adventure.
If so, check this video.
Sean Kerley, this ones for you-

Views: 525

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Make you more hungry to break out the tube which I promise will see the water this year. 3 years and hasn't seen the water yet but this is the year.

Cool Dick! I hope so - it'd be perfect for your pond.
I've watched a lot of videos this morning, and that was the best. Texas River Bum is an angler and advocate - the Cypert Minnow SBS on YouTube is also his.
I liked that he offered a mix of music and reflective narrative. I get tired of YouTube vidsters adding gratuitous, full-length music tracks to everything. String a bunch of POV selfies together, wrap an odious screamo selection around them and Voila! ... you're a video producer.
Uh, sorry. Not so much.
I actually like to hear the person talk about what's going on. Give a little instruction; add a personal anecdote or two. And so on.

Maybe it's just me.

 Yeah, McScruff...........I have watched this video in the past, it makes good sense. Better than wade fishing or you can do both drifting over deep holes then sliding off to wade fish again. It would be perfect for fishing around some of the islands on Lake Murray. By the way, this is the same man (Texas River Bum) that posted the fly tying video "Super Cypret Minnow". ..........Don in SC

Yeah Don same guy. I should have subscribed to his channel, I guess - sometimes I forget stuff

I know some guys who do this on the Upper Illinois River in Okla

Thank you Bill Dungan - I needed that.

My new float tube was delivered today - a CA Cumberland.
I hope this is me soon enough.

Again thanks for the archive dredge. Very nice.

(And this time I subscribed to his channel!)

   Hey Guys ,  wade fishing in the summer is one of the most fun you can have chasing smallmouth and other species,I use a scanoe with a troll motor to get through the deep water but when the water get waist deep I bale out and drop anchor on the canoe. i work the top of the shoals , the weed line around it and the bottom of the shoals, then back in the canoe and onto the next shoal. This is so handy this way  to have your coolers with you and everything necessary to take care of your needs.Casting  to the shadows for those fighting smallmouth and having them thrash the surface trying to destroy you offering is a thrill , I wasn't ready for them to start swimming right at me and trying to circle me and tie me up with my own fly line. This is the most fun you can have, so make plans to try this , weather and temperature permitting.    LOFR

Strictly stillwater for me, but it sounds fun.!

I may find myself in one of these this summer when I can't paddle. It would work well in a few nearby lakes. I have wanted something like this:

as it would be a bit more general purpose (a tube would frustrating in a lot of Piedmont streams). But it's more to transport and mess with on top of being so expensive.

I owned a tube several years ago, but it was the cheap one with an actual tube in a canvas jumpy seat. 

A bit more mobile- it's still a float tube on steroids - with all the attendant increases that implies.
But it's still cheaper than gas and oil, trailers and batteries. I mean you fuel the thing with oatmeal and water.

But, bring your fins and waders.

Crazy good deal right down the street...

Not happening today though. I have a little 6' kid's yak I need to post. If I sold it then maybe...

Motivated me; the little bitty kayak (too small for my teens) is posted for sale. That actually could work out well if I sell it. My daughter would probably come paddle my 10' kayak while I kicked around in a tube.


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tracy willis commented on Joe's photo


"very nice fish.  im ready for warm weather too."
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"Now that's an eater. Gourgious "
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"Nice bass Joe"
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"To be honest Mr Jeff took them and cropped them for me so I can repost them the right way 😂…"
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"Fine looking Fish you're posting! Glad you found the rotate photo feature. Three steps.…"
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"Pretty…jig inhaled….where did you learn about that color….🤔"
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"Thank you Mr John. I have technical difficulties with computers. Mr Jeff is currently working on…"
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