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There’s a fly called the “Jitterbee” that is basically the same thing.
Have you seen it?

...yeah you cant tie anything nowadays that hasnt already been tied or close too lol... my jig is on a collared jig body the fly is unweighted on a different hook style... but yeah really close

...o heck no David ... lol... i don't do fly research like most of you guys do... i was tying up some of my spring cricket jigs and accidentally left the rubber legs off tied at the abdomen... i thought to myself these look a lot like ice fishing mousies although mousies have just one tail.

...since i havnt been able to cast the fly rod effectively for years... (i really miss)... i started using my dry flys under the slip/float instead of hook and bait... causes increased excitement with the lepomis and channel cats when tipped with a waxie. nite and day to me . i started running out of my "Eagle Claw" bulk flys.. i started tying up my own and had great results with just the chenille and rubber legs... simple and cheap... the above fly looks like crap at the end of a fly line dragged with a fly rod... but as a tipping fly under a slip float it dances around the split shot nicely.

yep to get good action from this chenille body and leg combo tie from a fly rod has to have a weighted bead in front or tied on a jig when spin casted.

...tying quality up after tying a few... better leg position and consistency... in pink chenille.

Yep, I agree. Some weight in the front must be used when casting with a fly rod. Even if not on a jig hook I placed a split shot near the hook eye.

I thought I would post a video on tying the “Mousie” tipping fly… hey it’s one of my first videos of fly tying… give me a “LIKE”.



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Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"Understand……hope you get out soon Bruce!"
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Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"Thanks John….still keep having cold fronts and clippers but the fish here are so ready to…"
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1st bassxrap

"Way to endure the cold water John…"
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