Bluegill - Big Bluegill

Do you love big bluegill?

I will get this started with the What do you or are you willin to give up in order to go fishing. Good thing the wife likes to fish. LOL!

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Yard work!  I sure don't miss the stress at home when I'm out fishing, either.

I really do not give up anything.

I schedule as much time as I can for fishing.

Right now this is about the only benifit about being sel employed.

I'm self-employed also, but in my case I think the question " How much fishin' do you sacrifice to go to work?", would be more appropriate. Spring is my busiest time of year, so there isn't much time to chase Bluegills, and there won't be until Fall arrives. That's why I prefer Winter Bluegillin' over any other time.... I have the time to spare. 60-70 hours a week doesn't leave much time for anything else.

I usually fish every night when I go down and feed the ponds, but that takes 30-40 minutes, then it's time for yardwork, spending time with the family, possibly another round of work out in the shop, supper, shower, off to bed. Get up, do it all over again.

C'mon Winter!!

 I would have to say friendships and possibly some variety in life but I don't regret any of that.....I'm too hard core for most anglers I know and I have no friends that like to fish as much or as often as I do. I enjoy other things like sports, camping, NASCAR and concerts. I've done all of that so I would give it all up to fish.....I have traveled to 27 different countries as a Submariner for 22 years so I don't like anywhere as much as I enjoy Home Sweet Home.....My immediate family and I are rock solid and I protect that foundation....But if someone asks you Where I might be? would be right 50% of the time just by saying I bet he is fishing......

Tony that is the real question. Jeff I also am a hardcore angler but I would say giller these days. I still fish for other fish especially walleye in the fall but at the end of the day I would rather be catchin and eatin bluegill. I think I am so hardcore because I feel pressure to fish as much as possible when the weather is decent. I live in Iowa so generally the is about four months I refuse to fish because I hate the cold, to paraphrase I gotta fit twelve months into eight. I get it done nicely. Thanks for your responses.

Yard work which I hate.  Mostly time with the family.  My kids are all teenagers, and the only one who will fish with me is my daughter.  We are supposed to go float tubing next week after she gets done with school.   We have a competion to see who can catch the most bluegill.  Last year she won.  She texted all her friends and bragged about beating the old man.  The things I have to do keep a fishing partner. lol


I think the real question to ask is what doe's Gilling do for me. I think this is a question anybody and everybody can answer. Personally I'm in deep concentration when I get that opportunity to go and that ain't much do to unforeseen circumstances.  When it does happen I haven't got a clue whats going on in the outside world it just me concentrating on the next bite all is lost in that waiting I'm oblivious to the outside world waiting for the next little twitch of the line and reminiscing what the next twitch will reveal. Like my wife tells me I'm totally consumed in it with that blank look on my face and in deep concentration and that to me is the ultimate high because the world goes by and I'm in my own personal little world. But eventually reality sets in as your going to the boat launch to pull the boat out and you regain consciousness to realize the world has grown so much larger. Many people will tell you I'm obsessed and they would be right but its an obsession you can alway improve upon but for now I'm just waiting for that next big opportunity and for now all I can do is talk fishing and share what I have. Thanks to all for participating and making this what it is today the best fishing site on the Internet.

Dick,   Thanks for being a guide on this site.  I appreciate seeing the comments you make for each person.   You make  people feel at home, and answer questions in a wise and patient manor.  In my opinion, you are a big reason this website  is so successful.  I sincerely appreciate your comments and wisdom.  Thank you.


Thanks David for the compliment but it's something I enjoy doing and what a better group to do it with, there the best.

That's just beautiful, Dick! Thanks, my friend!

Thank you Jim. Thank you for all your participating I know and can tell your in it to help people if at all possible. You and many others make this site so enjoyable and people do come to the site for answers and honest conversations and what a great place to do that. Who knows maybe one day we may meet on the water and swap some stories.

I hope to meet and fish with all my bbg friends.


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