Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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Got the new Feather Craft catalog today. There, on the back page is a "super" deal on Rio fly line... $89.95, before shipping.
Now I don't know about you, but the best part of $100 for one roll of fly line is just not in the budget.
Someone is buying it, I'm sure, and I suppose some will say, "You get what you pay for." They always do.
But, now I'm afraid to open the catalogue, for fear of a heart attack. Leo Nguyen and Dick Tabbert warned me about this fly fishing stuff... I'm listening now.
I KNEW I shoulda gone to dental school (hahaha!)

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 I KNOW THE ELITISM FACTOR IS IN FULL SWING !!!!!!!!! WALK INTO AN BIG DEDICATED FLY SHOP AND THE PLACE IS FULL OF THOSE DUDES. HERE'S HOW YA TELL IF YOU ARE IN THE WRONG PLACE: WHEN THEY ASK YOU WHAT KIND OF ROD OR REEL YOU USE AND YOU TELL EM  a 50+ year old Shakespeare Wonderod Fly rod and an mid priced reel , well they all say what? Most of em don't even know glass rods exist today from the present or the past for that matter. When I ask them if they think their Graphite Super Duper Ultra Fast rods are a bit fragile in the cold , they say who knows we don't fish in the cold.
  They all look like they just lept of the pages of an Orvis Catalog and don't think most of em have ever had a pair of muddy waders on .
   The real problem is that most of em are trout fisherman , or so they say anyway, and that's were the problems all start.

    In the past Trout fishing was an elitist hobby , mostly from England. Most places in England casting a nymph is a no no . If the trout aren't rising then you don't cast a fly till they are. Apparently Dry Flies are the norm there. Oh well Americans changed all that years ago with the advent of nymphs and other species than trout.....
  In the old days when I still made graphite fly rods , which were never cheap even by today's standards, the customers all wanted the same thing . Clean simple work executed as flawlessly as I could make em , AND A FAST A BLANK AS POSSIBLE. Well opinions change with enlightenment and advances in technology have come a long way buddy...
   Now I haven't been in a HIGH END FLY SHOP in years and won't go because of the snobbery associated with em. Like Mike Chell I'd just have to tell em what I really thought of their crap and wind up in jail over a discussion. Most of em are limp wristed liberals anyway and why bust up your knuckles on em because they aren't going to change their minds cause they read too many books and don't spend enough time on the water, THEY TALK ABOUT FISHING AND FLY'S RATHER THAN USE EM............


As I stated just moments ago, we all have opinions....and they are just that....opinion, nothing more. BBG welcomes all manner of anglers and methodology, and we do our best to make everyone feel welcome. Being passionate about one's fishing is fine....bringing politics and/or lifestyles into the conversation is not.

RESPECT.....not just for those who share your viewpoint, but for those on the other side of the discussion as well. You don't have to agree, but we do insist on respect.

How right you are again Tony , Didn't mean any disrespect for this type of fishing , just not for me is all . Yup I have my opinion which isn't worth any more , or less, than anyone elses , and that's the way it should be . Seems to me that the money train hasn't stopped here in a while and this system , although unique in todays world, is simple and probably worth a try if someone is so inclined and has money to spend on a new way of doing what we all do. Chase Bluegills .............

  NO DISRESPECT INTENDED TONY , just a different point of view from most guys on here, but not all.... Some will agree with my astute observations and some won't ..........

Great post Tooty ! I'll excuse you for the political bent.   I have seen the fly fishing "Elitism " on the stream before .It makes for a humorous true tale to tell folks interested in catching fish and don't care if they look good doing it!  I love catching Trout too !

Yup  I loved to trout fish too many years ago John. Brown trout are absolutely stunning fish in my opinion and a natural Brook Trout is a true thing of beauty , beyond description ............  Unfortunately I was turned off to the traveling involved and quite honestly the expense of motels and all that. Now gas is a major concern and gear is getting really dear these days . Oh well I found a fish that fights as good , if not better, close to home , and not as fussy as trout when it comes to baits etc. BLUEGILLS !!!!!!

Actually, the dry fly phenomenon is relatively new. For well over a hundred years , the classic winged or "wet fly" reigned supreme.

The old books show nothing but one kind of wet fly or another. Some of the earliest works on the subject, going back centuries, describe flies of fur and feather that are still recognizable as what we call wet flies.

How we got to the dry fly, "rising fish or stay home," concept is something I haven't learned yet.


Here is a great work on the History of Flyfishing. Andrew Herd is known as the expert on the topic.


Thank you, JOE!

No worries, wished people actually took the time to learn the history

I have Bamboo Fly rod Blanks for anyone wanting to pay $25.00 each for them. All you have to do is cure, slit, fit and glue them up, add eyes and a handle and you have a slit bamboo pole worth $1000.00.  

"All you have to do is cure, slit, fit and glue them up, add eyes and a handle..."

All you have to do - - famous last words! hehehehe!


What length,  hard to get good bamboo blanks


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