Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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Has anyone ever had success using these transparent bubbles with tiny crankbaits or spinners such as roostertails to add distance to your cast when primarily fishing from a dock or bank)?

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That's a great question.

I've used the transparent bubbles many times while suspending a tiny jig underneath. I've also used a semi-secret method that I'm going to describe later this spring where I use a small Rapala as a float to suspend a jig.

That being said, I'm not sure if I've ever heard of the bobber/spinner combo. Would it be possible to take the back hook off of a floating rapala, then direct tie some monofilament to the back eyelet and tie another smaller crankbait on to that?

I'm going to have to experiment with this a little this spring and summer. Sounds like a fun new game to try.
Thanks. How about doing that with an ultrlight Countdown Rapala to get the jig way down in deep water? Ever tried that? I suppose it would have to be a very light jig or fly so as not to overpower the Rapala.
Bruce ! You get the award for shocking the most of my braincells into activity ! Work 2nd shift, just up. A big 100 watt light bulb just turned on over my head, gotta go get some sunglasses, be right back ! Have tried the casting bubble thing, but if it just for might as well be a lure, with hooks ! Cool. steve b
Just don't make it too big a lure or if you do so, take the hooks off or else you might be bothered by fish such as bass and such rather than monster bluegill! This is especially true if you are using light line.

Ive got this mentioned in an old book by Henry Shakespeare, using a lure like a Rapala with a small trailer lure tied on the rear. He mentions a hair or marabou jig - publishing date is 1962.

Of course there is the popper/fly combo rig, too.

Some good thinking!

The torpedo or bubble float should be in every panfishermans bag of tricks. Use it primarily in skinny water to present anything you cannot cast out easily with your light duty rod. Just fine for small stuff, less than 1/16 oz----so that would be 1/32 oz or smaller with your light spinning/spincast gear. If you are unhappy with your casting distance with 1/16 oz and heavier, you have the wrong rod. My favorite use is to present surface flies (spiders, ants, poppers ect...) and live crickets on the surface. #2 favorite use is to present a weightless crawler. I also like tiny tubes and micro plastics, usually tipped with a morsel. BACK TO THE ?--- is yes, I have twiched and pulled little plugs and spinners behind a torpedo float and caught little bass and some decent crappie, but that was the only way to get a bait that light out there. You might consider adding weight to your spinners and cranks.
Thanks. I am generally happy with my rig which is a Falcon Lowrider 6.5 foot u/l rod and Shimano Stradic 1000 light reel loaded with Trilene XL #4 line but I still have some trouble casting some wind resistant lures such as the crickhopper or tiny 1/64 oz. or 1/80 0z. beetlespin type lures relatively far. Of course, some of my best days have come fishing relatively short distances but it is nice to be able to reach out in certain situations, especially on windy days.
Sounds like you got a great rig there Copperhead. The only other thing I can add is the windier the day-- the shorter the leader.
Thanks. Actually, I do sometimes use a shorter leader when fly fishing in the wind but I was referring to my spinning rig which requires no leader - I tie the lure directly on my 4lb. test mono line with a loop knot. Now, I have used 4lb.leaders on the spinning rig when using Fireline and frequently changing lures but only because constantly cutting away Fireline which is relatively expensive tends to make me cringe economically.
When I said leader, I was talking about the amount of line between the casting bubble/torpedo float and the bait. I was also talkin spinning gear. Adjusta bubbles just slide up and down the line so not much to tie. There are also fixed bubbles that have to be tied to each end. So what I was trying to say is--you may need to shorten the distance between bubble and bait on windier days to reduce tangles and fouling. On calmer days you can get by with more distance between bubble and bait. A gentle lob cast works well until it gets windy.
Got it! My brain does not function effectively during times of fishing inactivity which I am undergoing now because of a bad back - Thanks!
I'm with ya on the back thing Copperhead. Ruined last year for me. Finally had surgery in late Sept. Hope to go back to work in March, but it's not the work I've been missing. It's the fishing. Keep us posted on how you do.


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