Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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Hi all,

As the title suggests, we're kicking around the idea of maybe moving to Texas. I'm a remote worker, so as long as I have a reliable and fast Internet connection, I can work from anywhere (currently in southern California).

A couple places that look kind of good to me in preliminary poking around are New Braunfels and San Marcos. Of course, I need to know good places to catch bluegill around there :-)

Other than BG, though (and the fishing is probably better there than it is around here), what do you all think of those places? They seem attractive to me because they are far enough for San Antonio and Austin to be enjoyable, yet near enough that if I need to go into the city for anything, it's doable. My employer has offices in Austin, should I need to get on our corporate network for any reason.

I have three kids - one in high school, one to be in high school next year, and one in grade school, so having a UofT campus in San Marcos is a plus for me, too.

If those are great places to live, you can tell me the truth. I promise not to try to make them like California :-)



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I used to live in Round Rock and Killeen when I was stationed at Fort Hood. The fishing and BBQ in the TX hill country is outstanding! There are clear rivers, ponds and lakes to fish. We would have 100 fish days fishing with fly rods on some of the rivers and ponds down there. We would only count long string of fish caught, so people would not realize how many fish were in certain ponds. Each cast has to bring a fish to the kayak, only count consecutive fish. Get s strike and miss the fish, start the count over. It would not be uncommon to have long string of 15-20 fish in a row. If you like to fish, move to TX.

Stay hydrated in the summer.

100 in a day on a fly rod?!  Yer killing me, Rob :-)
Since it turned out that my daughter probably won't need to go to summer school after all, I'm now planning a summer RV trip to the hill country area to see it (and fish it!) for myself. Looking forward to some good BBQ, too :-)

One thing they are very particular about in TX is property rights. Make sure you stay inside the high water line in the rivers. Good rule of thumb is stay wet when fishing the rivers.

My favorite place was the Llano rive in Llano TX. You can acces the river at the Llano golf course, fish down stream of the dam. Get there at dawn fish each little pool with some size 10 or 8 sized flies that you like. If you don't fly fish use a little bettle spin jig/spinner bait. The best part comes when the sun gets high and the fish stop biting. Go to Cooper's BBQ in the town of Llano. One of my favorite BBQ places in TX.

If you are in the Round Rock area. Shoot me a note, and I'll tell you about a secret spot.

Just looked up Llano on Google Maps. It looks wonderful!  It's likely a lot farther out in the sticks than my wife would want to live, but it sure looks like my kind of place :)

She needs to be near a Vietnamese market, though, which means that it has to be in or fairly near a large city like Austin or San Antonio, unless they deliver lol. Since she's a hair stylist, that kind of requires being in a larger place, anyway.

Cooper's sounds awesome, and Google shows it's right down the street from a Dairy Queen, even. Nice!

Property rights are similar in California. Generally, waterways are public, even if they run through private land, but you do need to stay off the private land.

Too many factors to be living in the rural areas. That has to be in the larger City. The most concentrated areas known for Asianville delights are Arlington, Huston, or Austin. Anywhere else, it's going to be rough.


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