Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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I recently caught this unusual looking sunfish. It seems to look similar to a bluegill or green sunfish, but not exactly like either species. Does anyone know what this fish is?

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I believe it is a green sunfish cross with a bluegill, but the body symetry doesn't quite look right for those hybrids. Most gsf X bg hybrids have wider bodies and more bluegill characteristics than your fish. Yet yours doesn't quite look like a pure greenie, either.

Odd fish....any help out there?

The gill tab does not extend past the gill plate. Could it be a flyer hybrid?
Yes it does look like a Creek Flier, down south in Georgia they resemble a Crappie, just real small, but sweet in the fying pan!!!!!
Thanks for this information. I caught this fish in a tidal cypress swamp in Maryland. I had no idea that green sunfish were even here. I typically catch bluegill and pumpkinseed together but have never caught other species of sunfish. The black water gives most fish a darker than normal color.

As soon as I saw the bright fins, I thought I had caught a green sunfish. After reviewing pics online and my field guide, I realized the coloration is different and the mouth of this fish is definitely unlike a bluegill, but it seemed to be too small to be a green sunfish.
Redear and pumpkinseed!


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