Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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Safe and sound in Michigan now!  We moved on the 1st of Nov.  Arrived here about 2 pm EST after driving all night and the next morning.  I started working the very next day.  Boss wanted me here BAD!  We had cable/internet/phone installed a couple days later, but somehow, we managed to leave the power cord for the computer monitor back in OK.  Had to wait until we got a replacement so we could fire up the home pc.

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Allen , glad your ok and settled , now just get a map and start finding those lakes around Michigan , and get out the walleye recipes.  LOFR

Can't find a copy of the Rand McNally county road map that I had when I lived up here 10 years ago.  HOWEVER, I have seen a "Lake Maps" of Southeast MI, has contour maps of all the lakes in this part of the state.  Also seen a map book with public/private land boundaries for sportsmen.  Mostly hunting stuff, but does list boat launches on lakes, "Carry-In Access" for streams and small lakes, and even lists a "Paddle Trail" on a stream near here.  I think that same stream is also a designated Trout Stream :)

Glad your back in Michigan. I think there won't be a shortage of lake for you to fish. Who knows if i ever get squared away maybe someday we can thin a lake or 2 out together.

That's the truth, Dick.  Hopefully we can get together.

yea Allen !!  glad you made it buddy !  what part of Mich. are you in ?   just remember;; in Mich;;; snow cones-- 2 for a quarter; and- you get the 3rd one free !!   you have a lot of catching up todo when you get time;; !

We're in Jackson, south-central MI.  About 50 miles or so from Dick Tabbert.  Don't remind me about snow!  I was expecting the Fluffy White Crap to already be on the ground when we moved, but they were still in Indian Summer mode here.  Weather Shamans are talking about a chance of snow tonight/tomorrow morning.

Don't remind me on the catching up.  Going to be doing that as-I-can until I get a day off, Sunday and Monday.  Then it's time to veg out and catch up.

Excellent!... sounds like a smooth transition...Welcome to the land of 11000 lakes! 

I wouldn't call it smooth, but we got here.  Yeah, I know how many lakes are here.  Looking forward to exploring them with my kayak :)

bet you're glad that's over!  man I hate moving, have fun getting to know the new waters!

Thanks everyone!

50 miles from Dick Tabbert !! whoa !!!  you guys will be getting together a lot !  just think Allan;; jans net craft is close to Dicky also !!  no doubt you guys will be bending rods together !!  glad you had a safe transition getting there Allan !

Yep, Jann's is close.  So is a BPS and a Cabela's.  I think the BPS is the closest one to me, not sure.


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