Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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I have tried a couple of different things to help catch more fish through the ice. The first was to dump small handfuls of cornmeal down the hole. I have heard it would attract bait fisf and the pearch would follow. Ithink it helped.
The second was to cut up minnows and dump them down the hole. I know that worked well.
I also read in an old Fur Fish Game about a guy that would hang up road kill racoons and such on a branch . Wait for the maggots to get started an cast in the area and catch bluegills. It did not say but i don"t believe he could smell. In the viedo Longggg pole Jeremy had a swell idea with a sling shot
Lets hear your thoughts

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Various forms of chum are used in England via the sling shot method. One important thing to remember is the 'current'. Even lakes have some kind of current beneath the surface, especially if they get a lot of boat traffic, so it's important to know where your chum is ending up, you may be chumming for the guy next to you.

One way round this is to put your chum in a small mesh bag and drop it from a string, that way it stays pretty much where you want it.

Always check local fish & game rules about chumming, in some places it's illegal.

Tight Lines
All I gotta say is Dog food, Croker sack, Rope, Brick, and a 2 liter coke bottle. Fill your ole bag up with some Ole roy. Make sure its a true cloth croker so that the particles can escape. Tie the brick up for weight and the coke bottle up so that you can mark the whole and retrieve the sack when its empty. Its last for weeks on end and attracts loads of bait fish. Drop it in thick cover like a tree top or a home made reef. Keep it a seceret as best you can!
I have neibhors here on the Grand River that fling a cans worth of corn into the upstream of a hole, go home, eat dinner, then go back with lawn chairs and beer and catch Bullheads for a few hours of fun. Social thing here. steve b
Hey Howard,
I can tell you from my experience that using maggots works. They are not that expensive and I know of 2 places that you can order on line. I have only ordered from Vados' and have been satisfied with them. I throw about 15-20 into the spot where I know there are sunfish/bluegill/crappie and then get my bait rigged and start fishing. Once they start biting I keep tossing some maggots in, when i am unhooking fish for example. This will keep them feeding and attract other fish from the area. I have experienced fast and furious action til I run out maggots or time. I have not ice fished but they do work in open water..i have copy and pasted the 2 websites that i know of that sell maggots, so you can take a look.
Thanks for the adresses where I can buy maggots through the mail. In vermont Baitdealers do not carry them
crushed egg shell pieces has improved the bite for me at times. think it is mostly a visual attraction. suppose maybe a little scent also.
Chumming with maggots works great, I've order from Vados, Now I just need to find a new sling shot (catapult). It's a fun way to catch a bunch.


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"Fine Fish1From shore also!"
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"Understand……hope you get out soon Bruce!"
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