I'm a new member to this site and I'm a new resident of Pennsylvania. I been to a couple of ponds in hellertown, Pa. Can anyone help me with some great spots in the Bethlehem area or surrounding are to catch Blue gills. I don't Own a boat at this time but I will be getting one soon.
Thank you for your reply sorry it took me so long to get back to you Been working and Yes I was a happy camper that Day was about to Eat a nice Haddock Dinner. I'm hearing a lot about the Delaware river and I never been there yet but I think I might be 20 minutes. I'm willing to drive anywhere to fish time isn't a issue with me. Other people was telling me to take 22 to easton the exit 25th street make a right turn at the mall and go straight down to a place called Bush Creek where the Delaware spills in but I just wanna fish and catch fish and be in the right area. I would appreciate any help you can I live in Bethlehem Pa in fountain Hill section
I have fished the Delaware River a few times but its about an hour away so I usually fish closer. Smallmouths abound and my brother caught a fine 17" Brown Trout when we were fishing up towards the Delaware Water Gap. Lets stay in touch regarding Delaware River fishing!If its onlky 20 miutes from you I'd concentrate on that river. Muskellunge,Shad,Smallies, Walleye, Trout ....whats not to like 'bout that?
Thank you Bruce for your warm welcome. I love fishing and everything about it. A day of not catching fish is better than any day doing hard work. If you know some areas where you located it doesn't matter to me about location I'll drive anywhere in the world to fish.