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Bait Fisherman looking to learn about flies with a float with a UL.. Their use AND CREATION..

Anyone who has good info for a total newb as far as using a float and a UL rig for flies and making them ect.. Feel free to let me know anything you feel might help me out here.. Thanks guys.. I am new here but I wanna say I feel i have lucked into a great group of folks as far as the members here. all so very nice and helpful!

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Clear casting bubbles, or any float with heavier weight. And if I was you I would use any bead head nymph... For now stick with a size 10 or 12. Any pattern really. Prince nymph, scud patterns, anything really they won't be able to not eat it. Very easy to catch em on them. Any bead color. If you want a slow fall don't use weight if u want it to get down quicker pinch a size b or size bb split shot on. 4 or 2 lb test u will tear em up!

I have always likedusing 2lb test.. I have small floats.. but I have no idea what the flies are your I feel so silly for not knowing when it is sucha huge part of this type of fishing.. got any links or photos to educate me on those?

I like to use when presenting dry flies. I also add silicone to coat leader & fly to keep it on top. Killer rig on surface feeding panners...

Thanks for the link!

I posted a piece July 8 2012 HOW TO FISH A RUBBER SPIDER ON SPINNING GEAR. I don't know how to bring it up for you to look at but will try. It was a blog.

awesome.. I will try to find it Dick!

I found it and opened it. If you look to the left you will find it, called fishing a rubber spider with spinning gear.

I'm sorry look to the right.

Joe, most folks that use flies will tie their own flies.  Do you have any fly-tying equipment/materials?  If you tie your own Crappie jigs, you can use some of the same stuff.

If you do decide to start tying your own flies, be careful!  This is a very dangerous, slippery slope that will plunge you off on the deep end.  You will be dropping money left and right, collecting tying materials.  You'll never look at roadkill the same again.  Neighborhood cats and dogs will run from you if they see scissors in your hand.

I have no gear or materials or tools to do it.. I have little extra cash for such things.. I am engaged and about to be married april 20th.. we have a honeymoon to go on ect ect ect.. I really want to learn and make my own flies ect.. I just need a little advice and guidance to get the most bang for my few bucks lol.. so if anyone has used gear ect they wanna sell I am interested.. lol I am gonna get a notepad and star googling and youtubing and try to learn all I can too..

You tube is a good teacher there is much to look at and you have the option if you see something you really like to look at it over and over. Be prepared to spend some money if you do decide to start tying.

as kids, we would use a really small float and a mcginty in size 10.  also a royal coachman in the same size flicked under overhanging trees worked great.  i remember these flies being destroyed after a few hours of fishing, but that was decades ago.


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