Hey James...Linda is doing exceptionally well with the knee replacement. Yesterday was 6 weeks out and she has been told to ditch the cane, start walking upstairs and continue home therapy. She is walking and doing better than she has in about 10 years! Absolutely amazing!
How we doing James. I got hold of Jones Fish Farm about the Paddle Fish you really got my interest. They said they couldn't sell them to me cause I was in the Lake Erie Basin. I assured them I was nowhere near the lake and she said the law is the law so no Paddle Fish. I'll try some different avenues cause I really would like a couple. My pond in the 15 years has never over flowed and if it did the farmer would have fish fertilizer. Thought I would touch basses with you but I'm not giving up the fight. Seems like its my pond I should be able to put whatever I want in it providing it doesn't hurt anybody. James take care and enjoy your summer. Keep in touch.
Linda is doing better...she passed her kidney stone and we are now preparing for her knee replacement on May 23...so please keep us in your prayers! Thanks for asking!
Fishing has been very sporadic here as well...some days spectacular, some days nothin'. I would like to see consistant weather patterns that gradually warm up for the rest of the spring. I am actually having my best fishing on chilly, overcast days, after the warm spells.
How we doing James. Yea I just wanted to tell you my gill are starting to feed again. I just left the 7 pm feeding the dog and I she has to be part of it no you know. Didn't see lots of gill but it's been about 2 or 3 weeks since I have seen any and also a couple bonus perch came in eating the smaller pellets. You take car and GOOD FISHING....
Hey James...thanks for the encouraging words on Lindas operation.
Are you getting into the fish? It has been unseasonably cold here, but I did have a 44 fish trip the other day, with a pair of 10 inch gills being the largest. Went down to 32 degrees last night.
Hey James...sorry I missed you on the chat...yes, the big rainbow was quite a fish on such light gear, and there are more where that one came from. They were actually feeding on some kind of a small insect hatch and that one liked my tiny offering.
Hey James...I think by stocking rainbows that there has been a forage item of some sort that is now being removed, or lowered, by the trout. I have seen it before where a new specie is introduced, then the panfish are the quickest and most adversely affected group of fish. There's only so much food to go around, and if the trout are eating a high-protein insect, snail ( unlikely, but possible) or a minnow option then the big growth on the panfish may have come to a stand stiil. I hope not.
It is refreshing to see and here of your respect for those trophy bluegills and shellcrackers. Not everybody feels the same. I hope you and your son get some great fish from there!
Hey James...in regard to that lake that has all big gills and crackers, but no numbers...I would treat this as a rare and precious body of water, that is, I , personally, would not fish it with the intentions of 'loading up' for the fish fry. Clearly, this is a body of water that has big fish in it, and they are not high in number. The 15 fish limit was likely put into effect to keep the average size of thes fish at the high end. I can promise you, if you , and other anglers remove limits of fish from this lake, the 'top-end' size of these fish will diminish, and within a few years, 8 inchers will be the biggest panfish in the lake. I have seen it happen to many lakes in my area.
James, I would recommend this...for fish that you want to eat, those rank-and-file 8 to 9 inchers, I would get those at the lakes that can sustain the pressure of panfish harvest, and I would only fish your new 'big-fish' lake for catching and releasing trophy sized gills and crackers. I would tell very few people about your new lake, unless it is very large, over 1000 acres, so that these larger fish are not quickly removed. You can fish down size, but it's almost impossible to fish down numbers. Once the word gets out and your new lake is raped and pillaged, it will spiral down to a lake with just average, or below average, sized fish.
I know everybody has their own personal limits that they follow, but mine are just different because I feel a 10 inch bluegill is a rare fish in most waters and should be treated with the same respect as large bass and trout, which most people release. I have caught more than 500 bluegills in my lifetime that measured over ten inches, but I have only released the last 350 or so to maintain quality bluegilling, no matter where I fish. If anglers would embrace a catch and release ethic for big, top-end panfish, we would all see great fisheries emerge, nationwide.
Other than that, I would simply drift live worms in any shallow, potential spawning areas. But if the banks are all steep, then work them as the spring and summer progresses and stick with worms or nightcrawlers along the bottom, especially for the red ears.
Do you fish any of the Ohio lakes at all. Because I live on the Oh-Mi border I find myself in Mi mostly all the time. Not many lake in Oh where I'm located. Jim keep up filling that freezer and GOOD FISHIN..
Have not been out yet. Wife is ill and I don't get out like i wanted to. I fish Michigan 99 percent of the time because I'm close to the Oh Mi border and I really didn't think Ohio had a lot of crappies, I guess you proved me wrong and I glad for that. Hopefully I can make it out before to long, I'll find the wife a setter If I can and head on out. Maybe one day we can discuss your secret spot meanwhile keep up the good work, what am I talking about work fishing is fun not work. GOOD FISHIN..
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James here is my address
Dick Tabbert
10161 County Road 3
Swanton Ohio 43558
Hey James...Linda is doing exceptionally well with the knee replacement. Yesterday was 6 weeks out and she has been told to ditch the cane, start walking upstairs and continue home therapy. She is walking and doing better than she has in about 10 years! Absolutely amazing!
How we doing James. I got hold of Jones Fish Farm about the Paddle Fish you really got my interest. They said they couldn't sell them to me cause I was in the Lake Erie Basin. I assured them I was nowhere near the lake and she said the law is the law so no Paddle Fish. I'll try some different avenues cause I really would like a couple. My pond in the 15 years has never over flowed and if it did the farmer would have fish fertilizer. Thought I would touch basses with you but I'm not giving up the fight. Seems like its my pond I should be able to put whatever I want in it providing it doesn't hurt anybody. James take care and enjoy your summer. Keep in touch.
Linda is doing better...she passed her kidney stone and we are now preparing for her knee replacement on May 23...so please keep us in your prayers! Thanks for asking!
James...water is 68 to 71 degrees...gills are spawning and life is good! How 'bout you?
James...weather is very cold here this week...30's at night and daytime highs of 40's and 50's. Hope to have a fishing report by the weekend...
Fishing has been very sporadic here as well...some days spectacular, some days nothin'. I would like to see consistant weather patterns that gradually warm up for the rest of the spring. I am actually having my best fishing on chilly, overcast days, after the warm spells.
How we doing James. Yea I just wanted to tell you my gill are starting to feed again. I just left the 7 pm feeding the dog and I she has to be part of it no you know. Didn't see lots of gill but it's been about 2 or 3 weeks since I have seen any and also a couple bonus perch came in eating the smaller pellets. You take car and GOOD FISHING....
Hey James...thanks for the encouraging words on Lindas operation.
Are you getting into the fish? It has been unseasonably cold here, but I did have a 44 fish trip the other day, with a pair of 10 inch gills being the largest. Went down to 32 degrees last night.
Hey James...sorry I missed you on the chat...yes, the big rainbow was quite a fish on such light gear, and there are more where that one came from. They were actually feeding on some kind of a small insect hatch and that one liked my tiny offering.
Nice pond, By the way!
Hey James...I think by stocking rainbows that there has been a forage item of some sort that is now being removed, or lowered, by the trout. I have seen it before where a new specie is introduced, then the panfish are the quickest and most adversely affected group of fish. There's only so much food to go around, and if the trout are eating a high-protein insect, snail ( unlikely, but possible) or a minnow option then the big growth on the panfish may have come to a stand stiil. I hope not.
It is refreshing to see and here of your respect for those trophy bluegills and shellcrackers. Not everybody feels the same. I hope you and your son get some great fish from there!
Good Luck!
Hey James...in regard to that lake that has all big gills and crackers, but no numbers...I would treat this as a rare and precious body of water, that is, I , personally, would not fish it with the intentions of 'loading up' for the fish fry. Clearly, this is a body of water that has big fish in it, and they are not high in number. The 15 fish limit was likely put into effect to keep the average size of thes fish at the high end. I can promise you, if you , and other anglers remove limits of fish from this lake, the 'top-end' size of these fish will diminish, and within a few years, 8 inchers will be the biggest panfish in the lake. I have seen it happen to many lakes in my area.
James, I would recommend this...for fish that you want to eat, those rank-and-file 8 to 9 inchers, I would get those at the lakes that can sustain the pressure of panfish harvest, and I would only fish your new 'big-fish' lake for catching and releasing trophy sized gills and crackers. I would tell very few people about your new lake, unless it is very large, over 1000 acres, so that these larger fish are not quickly removed. You can fish down size, but it's almost impossible to fish down numbers. Once the word gets out and your new lake is raped and pillaged, it will spiral down to a lake with just average, or below average, sized fish.
I know everybody has their own personal limits that they follow, but mine are just different because I feel a 10 inch bluegill is a rare fish in most waters and should be treated with the same respect as large bass and trout, which most people release. I have caught more than 500 bluegills in my lifetime that measured over ten inches, but I have only released the last 350 or so to maintain quality bluegilling, no matter where I fish. If anglers would embrace a catch and release ethic for big, top-end panfish, we would all see great fisheries emerge, nationwide.
Other than that, I would simply drift live worms in any shallow, potential spawning areas. But if the banks are all steep, then work them as the spring and summer progresses and stick with worms or nightcrawlers along the bottom, especially for the red ears.
Hy James
Do you fish any of the Ohio lakes at all. Because I live on the Oh-Mi border I find myself in Mi mostly all the time. Not many lake in Oh where I'm located. Jim keep up filling that freezer and GOOD FISHIN..
Hello James
Have not been out yet. Wife is ill and I don't get out like i wanted to. I fish Michigan 99 percent of the time because I'm close to the Oh Mi border and I really didn't think Ohio had a lot of crappies, I guess you proved me wrong and I glad for that. Hopefully I can make it out before to long, I'll find the wife a setter If I can and head on out. Maybe one day we can discuss your secret spot meanwhile keep up the good work, what am I talking about work fishing is fun not work. GOOD FISHIN..
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