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At 9:00pm on December 15, 2009, Greg McWilliams said…
Hi John, I use the spark bug on a fly rod, but dont know why you couldn't use under a float. Man that music is good , you are really talented.
At 5:27pm on December 11, 2009, Dale Fortin said…
i think i asked you this before but, what are the names of the lakes you fish at?
At 5:07pm on December 10, 2009, Jim Gronaw said…
Hey John...I wish I knew of a really accurate scale for panfish that would not break the bank.

At Richmond Mill, Bruce and I used the smallest Boga Grip scale that weighed in quarter pound increments. I don't know how accurate it was, but my gut feeling is that it could have weighed our biggest bluegills a couple of ounces light. You know how fishermen are! Might be a good subject to blog or discuss.
At 6:50am on December 5, 2009, Jen Nayfly said…
Outstanding you have a CD of Christmas music available???? I'd really enjoy listening to more.
At 12:16pm on December 2, 2009, Greg McWilliams said…
Yes, unfortunatly that is true, I kind of doubt a game warden, would notice it in a fly,but thats the law here. Crazy huh
At 8:15am on December 2, 2009, Greg McWilliams said…
Dear John, don't know about your area but here blue jays are a protected songbird in Ok. Possession of the feathers is illegal.So use at your own risk.I would hate it if a friend had problems with possession of illegal feathers..
At 5:39am on December 1, 2009, Greg McWilliams said…
Hi John, Glad to your friend. Yes like the acoustics I am hearing . You are very talented and have a fish in your area I would love to catch and that is the yellow pearch. Must be terrible to have to live on a lake and have to fish everyday.
At 4:25pm on November 30, 2009, Greg McWilliams said…
John, Your music is great wish I could keep it playing while I surf the pages of blue gill
At 7:50pm on November 25, 2009, IceWarriorGill said…
Hey John, I was indeed using a 1/32 oz jighead with 4 lbs test line (my #1 go-to rig for Crappies and Large Panfish). I completely agree with you in the choice of a big spoon or crank if I were specifically targeting large Chains (just happened to accidentally hook into him). From what I can tell, the larger specimens seem to be attracted to the feeding activity of the smaller panfish--and just like the "Bully on the Block" after awhile they just can't stand it and have to get in on the action themselves!!! I've been very lucky to have most of my hooksets on these critters either get'em in the corner of their mouths or in the lip region (just outside the teeth zone in the soft tissue)! I played this monster for about 10 minutes in my Kayak--didn't have an anchor out so just played him on light drag and let him pull me around a bit till he tired out!!!
At 6:50am on November 21, 2009, Dale Fortin said…
At 6:26pm on November 17, 2009, Jim Gronaw said…
Hey John...I still haven't gotten in on the crappie this fall yet...might have to do some in Delaware soon.
At 6:18pm on November 11, 2009, Dale Fortin said…
wish i could send you a message right now...oh well.
At 2:05pm on November 11, 2009, Dale Fortin said…
what part of the lake do you catch bluegill at? is that a resivour and/or a town lake? (greenwood lake) would i be able to fish there?
At 8:30am on November 10, 2009, Tobias Jackson Jr. said…
thanx and yours is not bad its self and remember....................keep fishing. keep fishing hard.
At 6:16am on November 6, 2009, bluegillboogieman said…
You got some great pics on your page. I like your music too!. Let's see, you can fish, you can play strings. Can you sing and dance? Wait! Don't! Let's leave well enough alone.

At 3:16pm on October 27, 2009, Tommy Winton said…
Thats crazy they always biting. I guess just bad night.
At 7:47am on October 24, 2009, Dale Fortin said…
when your on turn up your chat volume. this is what you do, go to the top of the page, click chat on the right (its on the menue bar) then when you get there put up the volume which is next to the smilie face, and the computer volume because the beep is very soft. this is because if someone trys to talk to you the chat volume is on mute. if you want to talk to someon just copy and paste this message.
At 2:26pm on October 23, 2009, Dale Fortin said…
That is a realy good photo of a bgill. what are the names of the lakes you fish at and how did you find out.
At 11:39pm on October 21, 2009, IceWarriorGill said…
Hey John,
I love the Rainbow too (nice solid fish--very pretty colored fish)!!! Haven't done any exclusive trout fishing this year although ended up catching several Rainbow and Brown Trout in a New Hampshire pond this past April while fishing for sunfish. Keep those trout photos coming (and of course those Huge Sunfish photos!!!!) Tight Lines!!!
At 2:39pm on October 7, 2009, Greg McWilliams said…
Hi John, I love my man room spend alot of time there. The CRAPPIE weighed in at 3.2 lbs. .

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"💯...Spot on, Jeff!!"
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"Nice egg layer…..distinct orange ear tab…."
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"Why is fishing addictive? Because you have a chance to catch fish like these….thanks for…"
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"Monster in spawning colors…..really nice…..congrats on a good day and a great season…"
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"Happy for him ,Men.Thanks!"
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"Nice bass!"
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Dynamic Round Specimen…..5/28/2024

"View this fish “Full Size” for best appreciation……."
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Dynamic Round Specimen…..5/28/2024

"Best fish this week……"
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Greg scores on a nice largemouth….."
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Pretty Largemouth…..up by the reeds?"
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Very nice CP John…..looked like a nice day….."

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