when your on turn up your chat volume. this is what you do, go to the top of the page, click chat on the right (its on the menue bar) then when you get there put up the volume which is next to the smilie face, and the computer volume because the beep is very soft. this is because if someone trys to talk to you the chat volume is on mute. if you want to talk to someon just copy and paste this message.
Hi Tim, Just saw your question on unhooking poppers. I'm not in that group so I'm sending you some info this way. Awhile back there was a write up in the Tackle Review group on Terry Gauger's Unhookum Tool. Don't know why but it's not there anymore. Terry is a BBG member and has a website of his own, You may want to check out his tool. Try http://unhookum.com/.
Tim, looks like you do alright with the fly rod, Try an egg-sucking leach pattern. There is one on my site, or I know some others that might be easier to tie. Depth one crappie changes I use an intermidiate sinking fly line it sinks at inch and half to two inches per second. I usually work it back in a strip and pause retrieve. Then count it down deeper and retrieve again until I find their depth.
Thanks for the invite.
Tim, I got to thinking there is a photo in my pics called the bionic worm. Some replied it looked like it imitated a shrimp, you might take a look at it see what you think.
Oh and on crappie fishing the lakes and ponds I fish range from 5 acres to 100 acres, not near as large as yours.
I use a heavy duty needle in the dremel tool and I don't use a rest for the chisel. I hold the chisel so it's parralell to the needle and then slant it about 15 to 20 degrees and work from left to right with the chisel. I hold the chisel with the back of the it pointing up. If you want to make it smoother, you can use an emery board on it after you have your basic shape.
Tim sounds like you have your finesse fishing down. That would be the way I would do it if the fish were finicky that is the best way I know to entice a bite. Thank you for your invite I'm honored to be on your friends list.
Dale Fortin
Oct 24, 2009
Nov 12, 2009
Greg McWilliams
Thanks for the invite.
Dec 6, 2009
Greg McWilliams
Oh and on crappie fishing the lakes and ponds I fish range from 5 acres to 100 acres, not near as large as yours.
Dec 9, 2009
Aug 12, 2010
Nick Holt
Nov 19, 2010
richard foutch
tim, here is a website that is for people beginning fly tying
www.flyanglersonline.com i would suggest starting at the beginners section with fly #1 and continue from there. lots of luck!
Feb 1, 2011
dick tabbert
Tim sounds like you have your finesse fishing down. That would be the way I would do it if the fish were finicky that is the best way I know to entice a bite. Thank you for your invite I'm honored to be on your friends list.
Mar 31, 2012