bluegill fly tying

YouTube link to tying the Sneaky Duckling

  This is another good top water Bluegill fly............Don in SC

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    Bill Dungan

    Don, do you have a video on that spider? I'll have to see if I can find your spider. As soon as I can get out and try the "Duck" I'll post a report. Thanks again for the great videos.
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      Bill Dungan

      Don, have you used a 22 caliber shell? I think it has great possibilities. Works great for a little indicator on a floating fly. Also, I'm going to get some cheap wooden cabinet door knobs and glue on top of the cartridge cutters to make them easier to hold onto.  Your media of cutting foam circles is the best. Thanks

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        David, aka, "McScruff"

        I tied these awhile back, after Don gave me one.
        They are a neat looking fly, for sure - a foam slider. Rubber legs seems to add that gill killer touch!