have been reading and reading the info on here after picking up my old issue of IF panfish and reading about using them. Went and got some spoons and doctor'd them up a little with what I had instead of using plastic. I have 50 choices in chenille to use along with a lot of maribou so why not use it.
few small LMB and a lot of misses by gills tugging at it. Poor conditions for this type of fishing since they were bedded fish but I just wanted to give it a try. With the temps rocketing up and moon going away they will be headed deeper soon and then I will have a better chance of a gill on a spoon.
dick tabbert
Hey Tom you tied some nifty looking spoons buddy.
Jun 26, 2013
David, aka, "McScruff"
Definitely a creative chap, eh?
Id be interested to learn how you do with these.
Jun 26, 2013
John Sheehan
Great looking spoons !
Jul 13, 2013