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Fishing With Slip...Officially launching my You-Tube channel

I am really going to put some effort with vlogging in the upcoming seasons… starting with the first trip ice fishing and thru ice -out.

Having a blast getting used to the software.

Check it out… officially launching my channel with this intro-welcome vid… check out my library… I have a few videos already posted.

Subscribe so you’ll be up to date on all the new vids I’ll be posting.

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...try the fire tiger and perch patterns

I noticed a few things when I watched this video, Slip:

1)  I love the paracord tied to the transducer cable.  I will copy that.

2)  Where did you get your chair, and how much?  I bought a cheap folding camp stool a few weeks ago, but it's really too short, and doesn't have a back on it.  I can't really relax in it.

3)  I noticed at first that you were keeping your hemostats in the bucket.  Later, you were keeping them in your coat pocket.  One trick I learned with fly fishing, is to grasp a pocket flap on my fly vest with my hemostats, then close and lock them.  I have yet to loose that pair.  They are currently clipped onto a zipper tab on my bibs.

Thanks Allen!

i got my particular tripod chair online at sportsman guide I did a quick search and found it was no longer available from them… I love this chair… so easy for me to get in and out of… I found a close model at Cabelas/BPS for 15.00 on sale from 20.00

…. Yes the paracord pull for the transducer… I cant believe ive been fighting the sonar cable for years… this has worked out great… thanks

Yep I used to clip to my material on my pockets … then I lost my micro fish grips… so I stopped…

Enjoyed the video.......being from the South and having never ice fished............I learn alot watching these videos........I rarely meet an angler as determined as I am..........but this video proves that Slip is one of those guys!

...thanks, Jeff!

I believe I am really fine tuning my jigging skills the more time i spend on the ice.

yep been that way since I was a kid with fishing especially.

thanks i believe i am in good company also!

Enjoying the videos. Thanks!

Working the Minor .Period for some eater slot B.Gills

After doing a scan on the upcoming weather forecasts I decide to quickly head off to a lake to beat an incoming storm and tag a few eater slot gills for the pan.

I grabbed an ice fly I received from Allen Morgan that had some serious success last open water season with trophy Lepomis… I was anxious to try its appeal out on the ice…. It did not disappoint.

Well, at least someone is catching decent fish :)  All I can ever seem to catch are little bitty things best suited for Pike Bait on a tip-up.  I tried fishing one of those pink things last year when I tied the first batch.  Never did catch anything, but then, I'm was a complete noob to ice fishing.  Didn't have a sonar, and only a vague understanding of the lakes in my immediate area.  I never did try one under a float in open-water season.  I'll have to do that this year.

+1 on crushing those fish without a sonar!

When you clean those fish, are you filleting them, or cooking them whole?

How thick was the ice?  I noticed while you were doing the out-tro that there were two trucks driving around on the ice in the background.

+1 on crushing those fish without a sonar!

Thanks…I can only remember a couple of trips that I have been without my sonar ice fishing… once running out of battery while mid-trip… ya feel blind once you get used to and depend on them… I was working a 10 acre bay that is avg 8-0 ‘ in depth but there are areas of scattered weed beds and a 10' hole… next to those weed beds are gold mines… mainly a lot of eater slot. That was my target. I was able to find the spot because I loaded the waypoint on my Fishing points app when my battery on the sonar failed earlier in the season so I had a backup of that location.

When you clean those fish, are you filleting them, or cooking them whole?

Yep I filleted them… at the very tail end of the video where credit s should be I post the fish cleaned in a bowl… dang they were good! Below 6.5” I fry whole southern style eating the fins also. I use a four inch rapala blade knife that does the job very efficiently on the smaller panfish.

Here is the point at the tail end of the video where I show the fillets…


How thick was the ice?  I noticed while you were doing the out-tro that there were two trucks driving around on the ice in the background.

18” of strong ice… hopefully, it’ll last till the end of March… I love ice fishing in just a hoody and bibs

Enjoyed the video Slip........we were grounded all weekend in coastal Carolina as the heavy rains and high winds set in on Friday and went on through late Sunday.........I love the six to eight inch bluegill.........our favorite bluegill fish frys growing up was cleaning 100 medium gills and crispy fry!   I too would like to sneak in a plug for Allen Morgan's jigs which have been top shelf for me........a great blend of quality and durability........good luck with the remaining ice fishing Slip!  Nice work and thanks for sharing!

Thanks Jeff!

Thanks Jeff… I knew exactly where to go for the eater slot… the weather was coming in and the Minor.Period worked. I very rarely hit the water early in the morning… my back and legs usually have a conflicting schedule. But looking at the weather it would be another five to seven days before returning.

Yeah, Jeff, I am really impressed with this jig of Allen’s… first time out on the ice with it edged out the moon tungsten… well, I was showing a little favoritism… lol. But I believe long casting this jig is awesome with a tipped gulp waxie… I actually feel it vibrating on the retrieve. It is a fish magnet. Tagged two certificates with it In June before a pike took it away from me.

I am still not sure what Allen Calls it… Allen?

pretty excited for the periods coming up for you! Good Luck also


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"Me too Bruce, these two might be some of the deepest ice Fish I've ever caught. I guess the…"
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1stice Fish 2025

"Love those perch, nice!"
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"Finally, a few on my 4th outing this Year."
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"Caught two Perch dead sticking a tungsten Jig/Waxie today. My first two catches after a 3-outing…"
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"Bruce I see a photo when I click on the link . Perhaps you have to hit the spacebar once at the end…"
John Sheehan posted a status
"A few Perch today at Cupsaw Lake in the Basin 32'. Finally, some Ice Fish."
Bruce Tomaselli commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Why didn't my picture show up? Does it need to be a pdf?"
Bruce Tomaselli commented on John Sheehan's photo


"Well, knowing my buddy he tipped his jigs with minnows, wax worms or butter worms."
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"Woah nice Gills and Bass, Bruce! Get any info like bait, lures and depths those fish took to?"
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"ice fish 202025.jpeg"
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"Here's what I missed this past weekend. ice%20fish%202025.jpeg"
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"Feel better Bruce ! 2025 I've been out three times and skunked each time. My buddy got a small…"
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"That's one more than I've caught. Getting over illness and haven't been out yet."
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