Bluegill - Big Bluegill

Do you love big bluegill?

Hypothetical...your first day on a lake you never fished before

I remember it like yesterday. It was THE DAY I GOT MY BUTT KICKED. I was 18 years old and had a brand spanking new Daiwa Procaster. My cousins husband was supposedly a tournament fisherman. We went to Little Black Creek Water Park in Lumberton area in Mississppi. First time I ever been there.

Mike knew I was supposed to be a bass fisherman too with a leaning a little more toward brim and sacalait. I enjoyed the latter more than bass fishing and still do.

To be honest...I had NO IDEA what to do on the first day. I didn't want him to know that I was clueless so I didn't put a lure on my pole. I was going to wait and see what he had rigged up.

We met at boat launch and he had 4 poles..on with a worm, a deep diver, a lrge spinnerbait,, and a spoon. We headed out to the midle of the lake, and right there, I knew I was gonna get a spanking. See.....I am swamp and bayou fisherman. I didn't hve a diving lure that went more than 2 feet down.

I ended up with a black worm. Mike cast first and in ten minutes hooked 2 bass that were 3 and 4 lbs each. I became impatient and I didn't have a deep diver lik he did. He then switched to a spinner bait that he fished slowly..and caught a white crappie 9 he said you know what that is? I said its a sacalait. He said what??? What did you say? )

Anyway I caught NOTHING. Zilch. After we got back. We went to the place my dad had reted..a small spot for the RV, and I fished the sides and caught brim and some bass.

So here Is the question...

Your first day on a lake u never been to. What do you do? Where do you go? Believe me, I tried to tell him to stay in shallows but he refused. I guess we all do what we know best...and I am a shallow water fsherman.

Was wondering what y'all would do in such a case? I was quite humbled that day.

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I too look for drop offs with a weighted line...where I fish at..I don't catch deep water fish. I don't understand why but I think this is the reason I am a shalllow water fisherman.

That trip I spoke about in the first post reall made me see how much I had become acclimated to fishing in south louisiana.
Plum it up to pick your spot. When you plum your depth in front of you- we all fish from shore, right? - you will learn the contour- all lakes have a contour- find the breaks and know the bottom in front of you in your mind.
If you have no idea what I am talking about- this is the year you can learn. Jump in the Catch group I will open a new topic and open your fishing world.
I love new lakes!!!!


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