Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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Hi Everyone,
I just joined the group. I'm quite tech challenged but I'd like to participate. Bluegills and the like are my passion and I can see that there is a lot of passion here.

I'm hoping to pick up a few tips and provide a few. I'm a 99% pond fisherman and have no boat. So, my opportunities are somewhat limited.

I've done well the last few times out. I finally got one over 10", although it was a hybrid and not a pure gill. I'm going to try to attach the pic, is there any trick to it other than attaching the file? Still looking for a male gill over 10" in it's spawning colors. That's a very tough order from shore in my neck of the woods, but it won't stop me from trying!


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Hey Bill...welcome to the group, man! And hey, don't feel bad about your biggest sunfish being a too on that one. And pond fishing is a great way to cash in on some huge gills...good luck! Jim
NICE 'gill! If you can catch THAT, you don't need ME givin' you pointers! :-D

I WOULD say, though, that you don't NEED a boat. If there are places you want to reach that you can't, get a kayak or float tube. I have one of each, and, although I haven't used the belly boat in quite a while, there are definitely circumstances where I'd prefer it over the 'yak. You might also consider a pontoon boat. They're more trouble to set up and tear down, but they're more stable than a 'yak and keep you drier and higher than a float tube.

Whatever you do, welcome to the group and keep doin' what you're doin'!
Welcome, Hope you enjoy the site like I have, I am newly joined member also only my 3rd year into fishing since I was a boy. and I'm loving it. I'm just north of you in WI., very nice pic there seems you know what your doing. tight lines
welcome to the board. and congrats on a 10" i have yet to do that for bream.
Hi Bill, Welcome to BBB, A 10" Gill is a nice size Gill in anybodys Book. Hybrid or not. Where did you catch that Bull?
Thanks Tom, I caught it in a small waterway that see's very little pressure. That's what allowed it to get so big. I was using a small jig with some GULP maggots. I find that the panfish can't resist this when presented under a small float.

I see you're in Lake Zurich... I remember my dad taking my brother and I to Lake Zurich about 40 years ago (we lived in Niles at the time). We'd rent a boat and row out to some weed beds and catch tiny little perch. We thought that was a great adventure! That's one of the experiences that really got me hooked on fishing. How's the fishing in Lake Zurich these days? Is there any public access?

Bill just read your message, let me know, I have a Pontoon on the lake, I'll take you out sometime. Gills have been slow, and those Perch after 40 yrs, havn't grown much! Seem to be the same Size!


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"Bruce I see a photo when I click on the link . Perhaps you have to hit the spacebar once at the end…"
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"Well, knowing my buddy he tipped his jigs with minnows, wax worms or butter worms."
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