Bluegill - Big Bluegill

Do you love big bluegill?

I was sitting in my shop the other day drinking a beer (minding my own business) when my little bride came out, looked around and announced that I had twenty eight fishing poles (not counting the four in the truck). I pointed to the work bench as I informed her that I had fifty wrenches and they were all for different jobs. After the door slammed I got to thinking (with another beer) that I was obsessed with garage sales. It occurred to me that about two dozen of them havent been used in a long while. Question is how to get this stuff in the hands of new fishermen or women (young or old)? Any Ideas or suggestions?

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I hate it when that happens:). I don't like garage sales. I thinned out my rod and gear collection a couple of years ago by giving them to one of my co-workers for her grandkids. Salvation Army is another outlet.

Ya I know how send me some pics if ya could . I like old stuff because I'm old !!!!!!!!!!  Any wonderods in the mix that your wife won't miss? THAT'S ABOUT how many rods I have here too 20-35 or so .

Tooty , you wouldn't be exaggerating on the number of rods you have would you ?It's really more like 700 rods ,isn't it?

NAW JOHN I had a house cleaning here too a while back and kept most of the really good stuff and am down to about 35 rods now. Think the most I ever had was a 100 or so ...


at last count john i had just under thirty rigs also... and the same questions arise.. "really do you need that many rods and reels?" ... my wife... hand her any fishing pole and she will catch fish... she is a fish magnet. it is hard to explain to her that there is a satisfaction of using the right tools on the job and producing. i would not get the same satisfaction catching a trophy bluegill on my flipping bass stick with 60lb braid. its just not the same. its commonly tough for women i guess to understand that.

i was fishing once at the dam in town. catching smallmouth and crappie with a small crowd. i was catching fish one after another and soon a young lad pulled up next to me and asked if he could use one of my lures. i handed him one... a swimming jig of which i had plenty. i couldnt help but notice his rig. looked like 2/3 of a broken musky spinning outfit with 40 lb heavily coiled mono. i sent my wife back home to get a berkley series one rod matched with a shimano speedmaster reel... great combo bought it in the eighties for about $100.00 . still in great shape that i had for sale at my garage sale. you should of seen this kids face light up when i gave it to him.

I have 4 rod/reel combos for open water, and three for hardwater specimens. Of those seven, only one is not used for bluegills......and it never got used at all last year. I like to keep it simple and mobile.

That would be for just bluegill right. ...
what about heavy bass casting/flipping
heavy spinning
medium spinning
fixed and slip floating

I just couldn't do it all from my sole 5.5 ft spinning rod anymore... so I branched out ... lol

I'll admit that I'm in the minority. Most anglers fish simply for the tug on their line. Not me, I only fish for Bluegills 95% of the time these days. I have a dedicated light stuff casting rod that Walt built me, a dedicated slip float rig, a six foot general purpose, and a 4.5' general purpose.

Maybe your not. I fish for Bluegills 100% except for a trip to the coast every year or so when we surf fish. I slip float rig 90% of the time and tightline the rest. I only used 2 different slip float rigs and 1 tightline rig this year. I used to bring a lot more gear. Now it's 4 rods, 2 for me and 2 for the wife, and the 2nd rigs are in case there is an equipment failure :).

who's counting??  that's why my sweety is not allowed in the man cave, but if I wanted to thin the herd I would list them on I have purchased several from there.  Or even better I would donate to the local wounded warriors.  

I have 4 fly rods in the boat and some spinning rods with others scattered around the garage, don't really use the others that much   Got a six wt fly rod blank from for Christmas one of their MHX blanks. I was thinking of wrapping a couple of spinning rods too as I can't find any that do not have a long fighting butt.  All that handle behind the reel frequently tangles in my shirt (maybe shirt sticks out to far) but its easier to build a rod than to loose 60 lbs Then the wounded warriors thing sounds good for some nice spinning rods that would be freed up by the custom builds.


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