My buddy Wray and I went out to a favorite gill lake on Saturday with float tubes in tow. Summit Lake was renovated several years back, and has begun producing some decent fish of several species, but gills are the big draw for me. A friend of mine has caught some 10" fish from there, but I've struck out so far including Saturday, but the action was pretty consistent. The trick was to fish the open spots in the weeds that choked the shoreline. We were both fishing 3wt fly rods and either dry flies or unweighted, slow sinking flies. My top producer was the panfish polecat that can be found on Ward Bean's fly tying site.
enjoy the fish porn!

My buddy Wray

Wray has a fish on!

A nice female that came from a micro jig/tube I was "trolling" on spinning gear

such a fattie

one of my bigger gills, right around 9.5"

More than once I had to kick into the weeds to retrieve a fish that got stuck