Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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We all face struggles in life. We all have hard times…..some more than others. “And this too shall pass,” I told myself many times the past 8 months. I don’t pretend to think that my troubles are any worse than anyone else’s. I just know that it has been the hardest 8 months of my life. So when do you see the light at the end of the tunnel? For me it happened a few weeks ago when my wife gave birth to our beautiful baby girl. When you look at new life it can give a new perspective. Here in my arms was Gods precious gift to our family. I don’t know how many of you have children but if you do, you can relate to that feeling of joy and happiness that can be overpowering. It didn’t take long till all of our troubles started to drop away from memory one by one.
There were two constants in my life during the past 8 months that helped me keep my sanity. Jesus Christ and the gift of fishing. I have no intention of “Saving” anyone who reads this. All I want to share is that; during this time of so much uncertainty, Jesus was always there. Fishing was a vehicle used to help me with my attitude and perspective. When I was frustrated and needed to get away, a fishing outing was what helped get my mind back on track. It’s fascinating to me that in a world where technology is suppose to make our lives easier we abandon it to find a sanctuary where life is clear and we can have some peace. For me it’s the outdoors, being in God’s creation, but specifically this summer it was in “The Ol’ Gill Gitter.” Is my life perfect? Far from it. Do all my problems go away? No, sometimes, maybe, yes. The reality of life is that it is a roller coaster. The real question that needs to be answered is when the roller coaster is out of control how do you manage to keep the right perspective? When I looked at my daughter for the first time I was reminded of how God has been taking care of my family and how he has helped me manage the difficult times. Some of the problems are still there but I don’t view them the as I did 8 months ago. When more problems come (and they will come) there will be more prayer and fishing outings. Life has a lot of highs and lows. How you handle life starts with your perspective.

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Comment by Nathanael Deloach on November 4, 2009 at 1:49pm
Thanks for the encouragment.... I find not just fishing but Gods creation in general great Solace to the soul....... "I lift mine eyes to the hills from whence my help commeth."
Comment by Dave Lipps on November 3, 2009 at 9:29pm
Nathanael...hold strong to your faith...God will provide to you that which you need in His not worry...Matt:6:25-27...go fishing when ever you can...a great way to so spend some time with our Creator catching some of His creation. I have often found fishing days alone brings me solace to my soul and endearment to the heart..good fishing always.... Dave
Comment by Nathanael Deloach on October 31, 2009 at 9:59pm
Part of my problems were being laid off and I went through the same thought process of wondering what will happen. We have made it 8 months with no income, no accumilating debt and a house still over my head. Now that I look back I find it unbelievable the timing and the means of Gods provision (that would have to be another blog and I don't think it would be as appropriate for this venue). Remember Hope needs a solid foundation or it could never stand up to the trials we face.
Comment by Rob Garner on October 31, 2009 at 10:52am
Thanks Nathanael,My problems m,aybe be much smaller than yours but everything helps and it couldn't have come at a better time,as I just was laid off and wondering what this is going to mean to me.Will I lose all the things that it took time to collect over the years,my house or who knows maybe even my own sanity( altho my friends say I lost that long ago). Rays of hope and light come from all directions.So I thought about some of the hard thigs I went through the last couple weeks and remembered that I just met a wonderful woman recently and while I dont know where it will end up I see that there could be a alot of good that I could not think was going to happen to me. Thanks and congrats on the baby and may the light keep shining on you.
Comment by Nathanael Deloach on October 30, 2009 at 2:11pm
Thank you for sharing your comments. I will pray for your son, I know many who have cancer (including family members) and can relate to "crying out". I wish you well in your "retirement".
Comment by Jim Gronaw on October 30, 2009 at 1:59pm
Nathanael...thank you for taking time to share that with me. Indeed, tough times will come and we will cry out. I cried out when my son was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of three. He now has been diagnosed with bladder cancer, but it seems that it has been detected early, and the outlook is good. I can remember him as a frail and bald child whose had tiny, pipestem arms. He grew up to be a sensational track and field athelete in high school, overcoming great obstacles. He became a man of God, my hero.

Now, as I enter retirement and a new era of self-employment, I have many concerns, but the same companion in the Lord. I just found out that I will be a grandfather next June! How cool is that! And the incredible fishing memories I have had with my son...they are countless, precious times of father and son. I never deserved any of it, but am truely thankful for all of it.

In fishing, and in all of life, I HAVE BEEN BLESSED! I don't have much in the line of money, but I can assure you...I am a very, VERY rich man!

Thank you for putting me back into 'perspective'.

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John Sheehan commented on dick tabbert's status
"Dick, I thought that used Christmas tree was for a Fish crib."
dick tabbert commented on dick tabbert's status
"No trees John. Trees around the whole pond on the outskirts."
Jan 9
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's group East coast Ice fisherman
"Hope to see some action for both of us, Bruce! "
Jan 9
John Sheehan commented on dick tabbert's status
"That tree going out on the Ice for a Fish attracter, Dick?"
Jan 9
dick tabbert commented on dick tabbert's status
Jan 9
dick tabbert posted a status
"Starting to ice up here again."
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Bruce Tomaselli commented on John Sheehan's group East coast Ice fisherman
"I hoping this cold weather will get me back on the ice. It's been very windy here, too."
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John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's group East coast Ice fisherman
"Last day of high winds are preventing proper freeze up. Lord knows it's been cold enough for…"
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John Sheehan replied to Jim Gronaw's discussion BOWFIN LOVERS in the group The Big and Ugly
"From the New Jersey Fish and Wildlife site. New State record Bowfin  Frank Hubert caught the…"
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John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's group East coast Ice fisherman
"Speedo Beads - Bluegill - Big Bluegill "
Jan 7
Bruce Tomaselli commented on John Sheehan's blog post Speedo Beads
"They look like they should work as good line markers."
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John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's blog post Speedo Beads
"Bruce-Buttons used this way; I've heard of and seem more practical economy wise. Who…"
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Bruce Tomaselli commented on John Sheehan's blog post Speedo Beads
"Great idea for a line marker. I use buttons and that's a lot easier. Where did you buy those?"
Jan 6
John Sheehan posted a blog post

Speedo Beads

I have heard of only one use for these Speedo Beads and have never used them . A you tube video I…See More
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Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

A Young Flier Flexed Out……12/28/2024

"Thanks Dick….Happy New Year..l"
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dick tabbert commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo
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dick tabbert commented on Troy Dorman's photo


"Nice black crappie."
Jan 1
Troy Dorman commented on Troy Dorman's photo


"Thank you! Happy New Year to you, Jeffrey!!"
Dec 31, 2024
John Sheehan commented on Troy Dorman's photo


"Ah and Crappie in the shallows. Go get 'em, Troy!"
Dec 31, 2024
Troy Dorman commented on Troy Dorman's photo


"The water temperature here in Western Kentucky is in the middle to upper 40s, John. "
Dec 30, 2024

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