Bluegill - Big Bluegill

Do you love big bluegill?

Hey folks, Wanted to know on an average, how many days a week do most of you get out on the water? I'm in my early 60's, and still work. Now there's a 4 letter word that gets in the way of my passion for chasing panfish. I've watched the great videos we have here and have pretty much gotten caught up on all of the posts since I've joined. Too bad that panfish chasing couldn't be a career option. Guess if we did that we would be bumper to bumper boats, tangled lines and frayed nerves. Wishful thinking though. Anyway just being curious about how much fishing time we spend doing our favorite thing. Take care all and keep the lines wet and tight. Nick.

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Comment by Bill "Musky" Modica on August 7, 2009 at 5:37pm
Before marriage, I fished 150 times a year.
While married, I fished 75 times a year.
After my divorce I fished 200 times a year.
Since I retired from music, and moved to a lakefront home, I now fish 250 times a year....that only leaves 115 days to do other stuff!
Comment by Rob Garner on July 22, 2009 at 7:37pm
I usually get out when I can,usually once a week in the boat.When the perch start feeding after the spawn in June I may go every day to try and put a few on the table,and jsut for the fun of catching them.Mostly I am making trips when I can afford too though.Unfortunately I make enough to pay the bills and not fish as much as I would like.
Comment by Jim Gronaw on July 20, 2009 at 6:13pm
One cool thing about my situation is that I work at a county park that has a 298 acre lake and one of the best overall fisheries, for many species, in the State of Maryland. Hence, I sometimes fish 4 days a week after work simply because I am there and the fish are biting. Right now Im doin about 2-3 times a week as I have a half dozen private ponds I have permission to fish along with two 'new' big bluegill lakes that have been good to me this year. 95 % of my fishing is bluecollar and within 25 miles of my home.
Comment by chris on July 20, 2009 at 5:09pm
i try to fish for gills every day on summer break. my time on the water ranges from 2 to 7 hours
Comment by Jim Barndt on July 20, 2009 at 4:15pm
I retired 15 year's ago, I would say I'm fishing no less than 4 day's a week and sometime as much as 7 day's. I fish for almost everything that swim's in my water's. When I'm fishin for gill's I only stay about 4 hour's, that's about all the time I can in the boat. In the winter I'm on the ice about the same amount of time.
Comment by Dave Lipps on July 20, 2009 at 12:22pm
following the retirement from work in '04, I averaged about twice a week out fishing
for the gills...go about 4 hours on each, relaxing time in southern Michigan..
Comment by John Sikkila on July 19, 2009 at 10:51am
I've probably been out about 12-15 times since the beginning of June...all with the canoe....I will admit the "catching" has been dropping everytime as the season progresses.....Gotta work harder for those fish....
Comment by Bruce Condello on July 19, 2009 at 7:34am
Most years I spend between 100-120 days on the water, with an average trip time of about 2 hrs.

This year I've been on the water only about 20 times, with an average trip time of 1.5 hours. It's been a difficult and busy time.

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