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Zig's Blog (19)

Playing the 2lb. card

Every so often I have a fishing trip that will remain in my memory for a long, long time. I can't say forever, as I haven't reached that stage in my life yet. I can remember unbelievable catch rate trips, first fish trips, and of course everyone remembers big fish trips. Today's trip doesn't fall into any of those trip types. In all actuality, the fishing was below average. The company however was top shelf material.

I was to meet an indivual I knew only through the www.…


Added by Zig on March 8, 2010 at 8:07pm — 3 Comments

We got fed up!!

There are so many trips that I run into an individual who looks down their nose and says, "Yeah, I like fishing for bluegill too when nothing else is biting."

Today, I was just waiting for that person to come along. I needed their help - badly. I needed someone, who believes that bluegill are so easy to catch, that pretty much anything will do.

It didn't.

It doesn't.

I spent so much time simply trying to figure out what I needed to do and how I needed to…


Added by Zig on March 6, 2010 at 7:00pm — 5 Comments

An Afternoon of Firsts

Location: Susquehanna River/Saginaw area

Time: 11:30am - 3:50pm

Water Temp: N/A

Air Temp: 34-39

River Stage: 4.23-4.22

Bait: 1/64oz. jig heads tipped w/maggots

1/64oz. jig heads w/ Maki Maki

1/64oz. jig head w/ Maki Stoni

1/64oz. jig head w/ Maki Draggi

Presentation(s): Cast and retrieve

vertical float/drift…


Added by Zig on February 27, 2010 at 7:00pm — 2 Comments

Pluggin' away

This week's challenge is in the title.

Goals: - handle 10 bluegill.

Limitations: (Self inflicted)

- fish with only micro plugs

The list is extremely short in detail this week. What it lacks in entry, it makes up for with difficulty. I'm leaving the jigs, plastics, and enhancements at home. I'm going armed with simple different sizes, styles, and weights of small crankbaits (plugs).

There's a few reasons for…

Added by Zig on February 26, 2010 at 9:01pm — 3 Comments

Team Zig unleashed

From my last entry, the area went through a high water period (a few days over flood stage). I did attempt a trip, as I figured I needed to fish in all conditions if I wanted to gain a true understanding of the waterway.

It was a bust.

Then we had snow...............record snowfall that kept us away from any fishing. When we did see a window, we took it. Following is how the few hours played out:

I really don't know what to report from the trip Z and I took to…


Added by Zig on February 26, 2010 at 9:00pm — 4 Comments

"You obviously didn't read the signs"

Location: Susquehanna River/Saginaw area

Time: 7:03am- 11:19am

Water Temp: N/A

Air Temp: 36-48

Bait: 1/80oz. twister(s)

Presentation(s): Cast and retrieve

Fish: You're gonna have to read it this week

The plan began right on schedule. I was setting the truck alarm at 7:03am while struggling to see where I was walking. It was… Continue

Added by Zig on February 26, 2010 at 8:52pm — 1 Comment

Perfect panfish system?

I haven't even put a reel on this rod yet, and I know my quest is complete. I have never, and I mean never, held a rod like this one before.

Built by the Rodmakers Shop in Strongsville, Ohio "The Stradavarious II" has completed my requirements for the perfect panfish system.

This is a hybrid of sorts. The butt section is "based off" a 2wt fly rod, the tip section is "based off" a 1wt fly rod. Then there is a one foot piece of graphite extending the butt section farther into the…


Added by Zig on February 26, 2010 at 8:39pm — 7 Comments

One year later...........

The years seem to go by faster and faster the more often they happen. After losing the majority of 2009 to a second back surgery, I have found myself and my children once again fishing for panfish. Starting in 2010, we have ourselves starting again at the same place we left off - the warmwater flow of the Susquehanna River.

This year started off much different then before - here's the start from the first weekend in January:…


Added by Zig on February 26, 2010 at 8:20pm — No Comments

Super Sunday

The deeper I dig into this love of panfishing, the more I am beginning to enjoy what comes after a fishing trip then the actual trip. Sure I still lose sleep the night before I know I'll be either on, in, or next to the water with a fishing rod in hand; there's always an anticipation while enroute to the destination, and having a sudden tug or seeing a float disappear still puts a smile on my face.

This recent foray into the unknown has really focused my attention away from the angling and… Continue

Added by Zig on February 4, 2009 at 8:30pm — 1 Comment

The Experience Continues

Somewhere between coning the hubs on BSA wheels and doing the final alignment test run on my son's Pinewood derby car, I heard the words, "When are we going to that warmwater place again?"

When these words are spoken, by anyone, within the confines of our household it means only one thing - someone's going fishing.

I took my oldest along on yet another exploratory trip to the warmwater discharge from a local power generating plant. This waterway gets quite a bit of angling… Continue

Added by Zig on January 25, 2009 at 7:30pm — 1 Comment

Did it................won't do it again.

Well, I did it. I stepped out of my comfort zone and into uncharted waters..............literally.

I'm strapped for time, so I'll have to keep it brief................for now.

The weather forecast called for rain as I loaded the truck with chest waders, wading boots, and a tackle vest that was carefully packed with "first assault" gear. The destination was a local river for some exploritory bluegill angling.

The result was less then appealing, however not because of… Continue

Added by Zig on November 20, 2008 at 11:00am — 4 Comments

Just a little bit of fun

My oldest wanted to do some bluegilling.

I wanted to actually find a few decent fish in this water hole we call Lake Redman.

Ever since I met this Dr. Bruce Condello guy and his blasted Relative Weight chart, I can't seem to look at bluegills, or any other local fishery the same any more.

It's a the mixed feelings of desire, restlessness, desire to learn, and sheer determination that guided me to hook the boat up again this morning.

Besides, I had something new I wanted to… Continue

Added by Zig on November 9, 2008 at 12:32am — 10 Comments

Making orange juice from a lemon

The beginning of November greeted us with a crisp wind, and seasonal air temperatures. GZ's last soccer game was Saturday morning, making Saturday afternoon open game for a little panfishing. The plan was to launch the boat just after lunch and fish for bluegill till dark.

Plans never quite seem to work out for myself.

After an hour of waiting in our local Red Lobster, we were informed our lunch orders had been "lost".

That little fiasco took a 2hr. chunk of time out of our… Continue

Added by Zig on November 4, 2008 at 6:30am — 6 Comments

Why did I put off the chores so long?

Week 2 - I've almost resorted to fishing in the aquarium........again.

Everytime I walk through the door at, I'm reminded why I'm getting so grouchy.

There are only two things I can hope for right now, and my actions seem to control either direction that is taken:

1) I can finish painting the window trim on the second floor, and still have a few weeks to float the boat before the water starts doing that hardness thing, or

2) I can dig out the ice… Continue

Added by Zig on October 28, 2008 at 10:08am — 1 Comment

The chores can wait

My home is in shambles. There are window frames in various stages of paint, vehicles that are in desperate need of a wash and polish, and I believe I overheard my wife talking to the local farmer about renting sheep. I can only presume that means she thinks the grass is too high……..again.

Anyone with any lick of common sense would start working to alleviate this list of priorities. I decided to go fishing.

Who wouldn’t rather spend an hour by the water with a fishing rod in hand… Continue

Added by Zig on October 14, 2008 at 7:22pm — 4 Comments

Doozie or Woozie I'm not sure which

This entry is merely an outlet for my excitement.

While only fishing for 1 hr. each day, this past Friday and Saturday evening are going very deep into the memorable fishing trip vault.

I need to get some photos hosted, then put my weekend into words...................if I can find the right ones.

(My personal journal reached six(6) pages - from a measly two(2) hours of fishing.)

Teaser: What does one get when you mix flat water, a child, a flyrod, and an educationally… Continue

Added by Zig on October 13, 2008 at 6:00am — No Comments

The beat goes on.

It's getting dark here much earlier now. I continue to hang onto the thought that I have until 9:00pm to get some form of time into a fishing trip........................the honeymoon is obviously over.

I also seem to have contracted a new disease - AllIseearefeedingbluegillitis. It's an extremely horrid infestation. The only relief seems to come when I stand beside the water with an ultralight in hand.

So, seeing as how my fever spiked last evening (measured by the knee-jerk… Continue

Added by Zig on October 9, 2008 at 6:00am — 2 Comments

Here today, better tonight

The USPS has it made. 1.5hrs. for you have any idea how much fishing I could get done in that time?

Probably 1hr. worth.

And I did - by proxy.

I had a few shipments to go out a few days ago, and was greeted with the "We'll be back at 12:30pm" sign on the door. It was 11:20am.

I had ZZ (my oldest) along and asked him if he wanted to get some fresh fish for lunch.

He needed some persuasion, but finally gave in. I grabbed a rod,… Continue

Added by Zig on October 6, 2008 at 7:10pm — 2 Comments

Stormy fall angling in Pa.

The rain set in here in southern Pa on Friday afternoon. Saturday morning we received the cancellation calls from the soccer coach, followed very closely by the afternoon baseball game cancellation.

Both were ok by myself, as that merely opened up quite a few hours to get some work done. Sunday morning greeted us with more showers, and passing downpours - so more time open.

One can only work with lure making so long before it gets the best of them, so I made the announcement that I… Continue

Added by Zig on September 29, 2008 at 7:07am — 2 Comments

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Jeffrey D. Abney posted photos
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Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"Understand……hope you get out soon Bruce!"
Bruce Tomaselli commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"I think it won't be until near the end of April until the water warms enough to start the…"
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Nice Take, Hook Set at 12 O’clock…3/23/2025

"This shot was cool with the jig visible through this crappie’s mouth… the 12…"
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Some Beautiful Clean Crappie…New Arrivals Shallow….3/23/2025

"You can tell this fish has been out deep…..very clean both sides , fins not busted up, tail…"
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"I hope it’s soon Bruce….looks like a pretty big warmup in the south, hope some it…"
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"Thanks Dick…this was our best trip for shallow crappie this year……I love…"
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo
Bruce Tomaselli commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo
dick tabbert commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo
dick tabbert commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo
Jeffrey D. Abney posted photos
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"Thanks John….still keep having cold fronts and clippers but the fish here are so ready to…"
John Sheehan commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo

Down East North Carolina Daily Double…..3/23/2025

"Beauties with Tuxedos! Good work, Jeffrey!"
Jeffrey D. Abney posted photos
Jeffrey D. Abney posted photos
Jeffrey D. Abney posted a status
"Son-in-law and I splashed this morning behind a mild cold front, 47 degrees and shifting winds ….surface temps from 56.7 to 58.1 degrees…."
John Sheehan commented on John Sheehan's photo

1st bassxrap

"I dressed better the 2nd outing, Jeff! LOL Was more comfortable."
Mar 22
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on John Sheehan's photo

1st bassxrap

"Way to endure the cold water John…"
Mar 22
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Jeffrey D. Abney's photo
Mar 22

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