Jeremy R. Mayo

44, Male

Satsuma Al.

United States

Profile Information:

What type of animal is a bluegill?
The Mobile delta is my pond.
What state are you from? This can help us get together for fishing trips!
Mobile AL!

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  • Bruce Condello


    I'd like you to consider doing me a favor.

    I'd like you to write a story about your Paw Paw, and how he fished for the SHELL CRAKA!

    I sense that he was a big part of why you love to fish, and I think a story by you would add a lot to this site.

    I have a vision of being a place where people who love panfish and panfishing can come spend ten or twenty minutes a month enjoying some stories and pictures of the fish they love. If you write a short story, I will feature it on the site. We could even make it so it had a couple of good photos with it.

    Thanks for considering it, and thanks for joining

  • Bruce Condello

    You go, buddy!

    You've inspired me to start a new discussion. Look for me to talk a little bit about preparing bluegill for a great meal! I'm gettin' hungry just thinkin' about it!
  • Bruce Condello

    I love that picture. Would you please post it on the main photos sections, too?

  • Bruce Condello

    You'd better keep checkin' in, buddy! I'm a countin' on ya. :-)

    Your recipes are great, thanks!

    Hey, I keep forgtetting that you live in a little warmer climate than me. I can only dream of catching bluegill for the next few weeks until we get a good solid ice cover. I wish I could be going after a super grand slam right now.

  • Richard

    Ha!!! The only thing I'll say about that alfredo recipie is that it's your best. That was some delicious fish that night.

    Hey the weather is getting right for dem ole crappies to go to acting a fool! When you coming back up and show your old man how to do some perch snatching? If you can't make the trip send Marie. She has become quiet the fisherlady huh...

    Great pictures, keep shooting...
  • Jeff

    Waaallll now nephew... I found you a flirtin with the public out here showing off all your wares. 'Course, your best wares is holding that 17" crappie. I know who the fisher"woman" is. It's a good thing you take her or you'd starve to death. Maybe she'll let you reel one of her's in after she sets the hook good and proper so you can't lose it.
    Ha ha ha ha ha... ack..ack..dang old age. Geritol... BenGay... Viagra? Not yet!!!!! Hooty-Hoo !!
  • Bruce Condello

    What do you think of the idea of creating a sub-group for you region? Maybe Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia and Florida? Just thinking out loud here.
  • Rick Fuhrmann

    thanks for the welcome, just saw this website in infisherman and thought i would check it out
  • B. Waldman

    Mr. Mayo :) I've never ordered one of them thar hats myself, but it appears to be some of that fancy velcro stuff to adjust the back. If you go to the site and click on the hat it gives you another picture of them hanging off a coat rack. Might be able to figure it out from looking at that picture there. I've even gotten real fancy and all, and added a 2nd color of hat - just fer you.
  • Bruce Condello

    You're a good man, JRM.

    Ya even got good taste in music.
  • shooter

    sure man ,nothing like catching those big ole thumpers on a fly rod.
  • Tom Hudson

    Hey Jeremy - cool site! Um....can you tell me how you accomplished it?

    Think it's great your family is apparently so into fishing - multispecies too! Some of those are from offshore, right? Sea Trout I think in one picture?

    Also, love your Pink Floyd choice for a song. One of my favorites.
  • John Sheehan

    Hope you get drunk and enjoy my music Jeremy...thanks for the heartfelt compliment on my favorite ice fishin' hat...not somethin' you'd wear in Alabama I guess.Don't worry the hat is dead it won't bite ya!

    Go catch a big one for the both of us!
  • Bruce Condello

    Life's good, buddy.
  • IceWarriorGill

    Hi Jeremy, thanks for the kind comments about the Pumpkinseed. He really put up a fight!!
  • Eric White

    There are a couple sites you can purchase tags on, seems fairly good. i know the President for walleyes for tomorrow and he gave a me a few tags thats how i got mine.

    Hey man sweet Page. Welcome to Cane Pole CRAZY. Think it will be a Great group. Kick back grab cool beer and Cane
  • Bruce Condello

    I'm not sure how to do that! Do you have any ideas?

    We had a blizzard warning last night. It just got done snowing about two hours ago and we have wind chills of zero degrees.

    Welcome to Nebraska--third week of spring. :-(

    Hey man I ordered 2 Shakespeare Wonder Poles from the local sports shop today. The 20 footers. Only seen pics on the internet. Just wondering if you seen or used these before? More of somthing you would see down in your neck of the woods than up here by me. They will be here in the next week or so. $20 a piece I thought wasn't bad being that they had to order them in speical for me. I'm going from 4 long poles last week to 10 by next week. The woman and shoes thing is starting to hit me also........ Long Live the Long Pole......

    Ya I watched that video a couple weeks ago when I was rescreaching this long pole stuff. Thats a long SOB for sure. A little more work than I would like I think. I lost my arm 3yrs ago, Well I didn't lose it........its just not attached any more. Thats why I switched to this long pole thing. Dont have to worry about the bail and reeling in and stuff. I going back to work tomorrow and will be working down in southwestern WI by the IA boarder on a 9 mile road project along the Mississippi River. Thats why I ordered them 20' footers, Figure I'd do some fishing a few hours each night after work from the bank on some of the back waters. My bass tracker needs a new trolln motor this year, but I need to be back to work a few weeks frist before I can swing that expense. It will give me some time to feel out the locals before I bring the boat down there. When it warms up here then it will up to the camper on the weekends which is a hour north of home on a lake and work is 5 hrs south of home. Back and fourth all summer, gonna be crazy, might not sleep at home until fall, but planning on a ton of fishing this year. By the way losing an arm has changed my typing speed still one key at a time. Took me 1/2 hr to type
  • Howard Webster

    Just watch the video Lonnng pole. The little boy in always loves new and different toys Man a slingshot to boot. What did you contain those maggots in to shoot them out. Also great discussion you started on first fish will tell about my daughters tomorrel
  • Alex G.

    Sweet, glad the flies worked out for ya!
  • Bruce Condello

    We need to talk on the phone sometime! I just got back from Phoenix fishing for some big bluegill! Been gone for two days. Where's your photo?
  • Jim Gronaw

    Hey you know how blessed you are to be fishing in areas that most people only dream of fishing? And you get to do it whenever you want! Slab crappies, porker gills and colorful sunfish most of us have never heard of. Plus....warm weather! Great stuff man!
  • Bill "Musky" Modica

    Thanks Jeremy, that video is my most popular....I do have this sites address on my youtube main page, and all of my new bluegill related videos will feature the logo in the title and ending credits!
  • Jim Gronaw

    Hey Jeremy...I think you are pretty close to the weight of my Piney Run bass, Jeff is probably used to seeing some heavy, trout fed largemouths in his native California that exhibit tremendous girth and weight for their skeletal length. I did see a repulsive looking 8-12 from Piney two seasons ago that only measured 21 1/2 inches...a freaky butterball shaped bass. But fish like that are rare in most of our lakes in the Mason Dixon area.
  • Bruce Condello

    I have spell check? How did I do that???? :-)
  • Jim Gronaw

    Hey Jeremy...catchin anything? We are catching a few, mostly big, even a few trophy sized gills along with some small bass. What's happenin down your way? Sounds like you smacked em pretty good back a few weeks ago.
  • Bruce Condello

    Things are MUCH better! I may actually have a life in a few weeks. An income wouldn't be bad either. My Dad and I are fishing for smallmouth and walleye tomorrow. My first time on the water in a month. Times are tough!
  • Josh Holley

    no i'm from montgomery AL
  • Patrick "Bullworm" Olson

    So your saying that I should color him as if he were a hybrid of all? Thats a cool idea! Thanks Jeremy! I'm going to try and get him done by Thursday!
  • Bruce Condello

    Mayo!! Sorry I missed your shout.

    Great to hear from you. I figured you've been busy just like me. I'd like to hear more about your new methods. Sounds like an awesome way to knock 'em dead.

    We'd both better spend a little more time fishing in the next couple of months!
  • Dale Fortin

    if you have bluegill as pets in a fish tank tell me how big it is aand how you take care of it.
  • bluegillboogieman

    Glub, Glub!!!!!! Lots of roads closed tonight. All roads closed in the county just west of me. There's a little creek below me, come daylight I'll see if the neighbors across the road got their pool flooded! You must have got washed out of the woods. You can't hunt in this weather?

  • Dale Fortin

    is pic # 21 a spotted sunfish? and where do you want me to post how i found the site? unless you just want it in an email
  • Jim Gronaw

    Hey Jeremy...thanks for the holler. Those guys down there, I'll be darned if they didn't do it to me again today. They got some nice crappie, but get this...they ran into a bunch of bass in the cold and wind...20 fish from 2 to 4 pounds topped by a 5 1/2 lber ! ...all on ul spinning gear and little tubejigs tipped with bait. Man, I have made arrangements to check em out next week.

    Anyway...I hope everything is good down your way! Jim
  • Dale Fortin

    Where do you want me to put the story of how i found the site? Today is Wednesday. I will post it on the story on your post on Saturday. (January 2nd)
  • bluegillboogieman

    Never bet on Bama!!! And for dang sure never bet against 'em!!!!!! And don't think Utah won't know what hit 'em either, you might get embarresed. I think Bama's got a TEAM. I think they rememmber Utah. I don't think they're over confident and I think Texas and McCoy are sore and ill natured from their Nebraska embarrassment. It'll be exciting!
  • bluegillboogieman

    After I posted the Bama/Texas comment, I looked at your picture pages for a minute and saw a STINKIN' AUBURN can cooler in a bunch of 'em. I guess we can still go fishin' together but I want to set upwind.

  • bluegillboogieman

    You didn't capitalize Tide. But it's the thought that counts and I thank you. I have deleted your obviously difficult salutation.
  • bluegillboogieman

    Well who gave him the link?????? You!!!!!! Him and Gronaw will probably give it a try I suspect. I hope they have better luck than I did. But that's what I depend on, luck. I don't think they do.

    I saw some ice on a pond nearby. Think I'll got chop a hole in it and see what happens.
  • bluegillboogieman

    Can I hum a few bars? I could sing you a song to the tune of the Auburn fight song, about when Bo went the wrong way! You're probably too young to really remember that. Can you remember this? The deal was, you hold up the stringer.
  • Magnolia Rick

    Today is one of the many National Mental Health Days throughout the year. You can do your bit by remembering to send an e-mail to at least one unstable person. I sent this to you. My job is done!
  • bluegillboogieman

    What song? OH!!!!!! That Song!!!!!! I might move it down the list......when it snows on my head!!!!!! Wait a minute.
  • Bill "Musky" Modica

    Yeah Jeremy, those STUPID STUPID BEAVERS,
    mess my fishin up too.....If I'm on shore, I remain motionless until them beavers swim by.
  • Magnolia Rick

    30 crappie you did have a good day. We caught about 15 little bass 11" to 12" the girl though they caught a whooper. I had a blash watching a 3 yr old and 4 yr old girl reeling them in a yall at thier daddy " get the net"
  • bluegillboogieman

    All I care about is settin' upwind from the "Stinkin' Auburn Fan"
  • bluegillboogieman

    I am cofuseded about something you might could straighten out for me.
    Tubbyville beat us six in a row and you fired him. Thanks!!!!!!
  • Bruce Condello

    I need pictures! Get me one of those crazy red brim! I'll feature that thing in a heartbeat!!!! JRM, you're the man!
  • bluegillboogieman

    If you were not alone in the boat I suspect you were pushed! No I didn't call. No I ain't been fishin'. Yes I saw your hauled 'em in pics. Show off! Maybe you ought to fall out of the boat more often. You're luckier than Notre Dame.