Do you love big bluegill?
I hope you folks aren't getting tired of me, but with warm weather coming on, here is another of my favorites that is simple to make. When you find a bunch of Gills grouped around a bunch of rocks, or under a dock in the shade, this "grub" can net you a Gill on almost every cast. I love to fish a size 14 on my little TXL 0wt. Buy an assortment of rubber bands (different thickness and colors) and a bottle of "HARD-AS-NAILS" and you are good to go. Use your imagination (ie) different colors of thread and rubber bands / you will be well rewarded. ( I like black or red thread along with white,natural, yellow or red rubber bands. You can add a small Marabou tail if you like and plastic floss will work if you don't have any rubber bands..........The bands work best.....................Don in SC
Simple works..........I can't remember where I saw this on the web, but this is a really simple fly that looks real.
01. A small sharp hook (a wet/nymph works fine) size your choice
02. A few wraps of lead wire (I used .010)
03. A rubber band (cut)
04. Black thread (I used 8/0)
05. Sally Hanson "hard-as-nails"
That's it.
Put down a thread base
A few wraps of lead wire (about midway on the hook)
Put a little "hard as nails" over the wire then over-wrap with thread
Cut the rubber band loop and tie in half-way down the hook bend
Stretch and wrap the rubber band along the hook overlapping as you go forward
Tie-off the rubber band just short of the hook eye
Wrap a head with the black thread......and whip-finish Coat the entire fly with "hard-as-nails" and let dry.............That's it, very easy and looks very real......Take a look..............
And it works..............
In this picture, the flies at the top and bottom were tied with thread,lead wire, and rubberbands (the ones on either side of the dime were tied with floss.
I lost a couple bass on the size 14 curved hooks, so I tied a few in larger sizes.........10/ 8/ 6/ and one 2x size 6 (like 14's-8's) best overall
Those are looking great and easy to tie- and I see your using a Peak Vise. I like the bottom three colors and size the best for gills.
these look awesome... just got my fly tying hardware this fly is first on my list... thanks
They look like mealworms, or something like them. Even I can manage to wrap a rubber band on a hook.
I hope.
These are awesome, Don. They look like some kind of water wiggler, nymph, maggot - you name it. They "generically" mimic all sorts of aquatic insect larvae. Im not a bit surprised they work well.
Have you tried them with legs?
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