Bluegill - Big Bluegill

Do you love big bluegill?

Hi Everyone,
Just wondering what everyones favorite lure to use to catch bluegills is. I would have to say my personal favorite is gitzit lil tough guys with a piece of worm or something on it and a float the bluegills and panfish hit pretty good on them.
Let me know what your favorite lure is

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Hands down, my favorite bluegill lure is the 1/32 ounce chartreuse jighead, with a nice little black dot for an eye, then I tip it with Bass Pro Shops triple ripple grub that has a black body and a green tail.

Fish 'er slow. Hop it up and down off the bottom.

If it's not working, toss the triple ripple away and substitute a part of a crawler or a waxie.
My favorite setup is using a size 10 black gnat fly on 4lb test with a wax worm using the old bobber setup.. I have caught many fish using this method.
Haven't used a jig head yet, but plan on trying that out this season....I mostly go with hook and bobber method with crawlers, red worms, or waxies.....
Try 1/32 oz. jig, #8 hook, painted or not painted, tip with 1 1/2" BLACK curly tail jig body with tail pinched off. Drop of Super Glue keeps body in place as gills nip at it. Works for gills or shellcrackers. I like light braided line as I have a lot less trouble with a big wad of line peeling off spool after casting several hours. So much easier than reaching for live bait.
For BIG blueglls....I prefer live baits!

Lures......I like 1/80 oz bright Orange or Pink plain jig with pink or green Gulp maggot.

1/80 or 1/64 oz black plain jig with one inch black or purple or pumpkinseed color twistertail!

I like to use 6 ft to 7 ft 6" ultalight rod for my small lure that I able to cast it farther than small rod!
Fly rod and flies, definitely. A small foam surface bug with rubber legs is tough to beat for topwater, and a boa yarn leech or small woolly bugger for subsurface.
Yes! I use to catch bluegills with those foam spiders.Where do you buy them? I haven't seen them around and I want to get some.
The Urban Angler in New York or Ramsey Outdoors in New Jersey, or Orvis wherever they are have a walk -in and choose fly selection. . . the foma beetles are in the terrestrials ( land bugs) section.
I failed to mention that I can catch hundreds of bluegill using the tiniest rooster tail spinners. Fish them as slow as you can while still maintaining rotation in the blade. If you do this along a weedline with a white, black or chartreuse body you can hammer the big 'gills.
Hi Bruce,

Seen your reply on the rooster tails for the big gills. Your right about that,
were heading back down to Reelfoot Lake in May and that is one of the
techniques we use. It works.

Dave R.
I like the red bladed 0 size Mepps spinners...I should says the gills like em.
Morhair leech,soft hackles,pheasant tail nymph, gurgle pops, charnobyl ants, spiders,poppers, on the flyrod


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