Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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As I turn the last page of the “SLIP’S 2017 LOGS, STATUS AND STRATEGIES” log book on an astounding year of angling… I think back on the initial strategies and goals for the year. I wanted to tag at least (4) Trophy Master Angler Panfish and that would include one thru the ice which would be a PB using that method. I ended up with 2 trophy P.Seeds thru the ice with a PB at 9.8" as well as(13) total Master Anglers thru the rest of the open water season!

To accomplish this feat I would greatly scale down my presentations to micro lite equipment… rods, reels, lines and baits. Careful considerations of lines were incorporated into my methods which would not exceed 2# mono diameter…and super lines that would approach 8# test or above to handle the trophy quality of fishes sought.

I would also aim to make my time on the water more productive by timing the trips with solunar periods… majors and minors on New and Full Moons. I've discovered big fish follow the moon… period! 2017 proved that especially considering the hard water Ice Period. I was on the big fish spots on the peak periods and it paid off!... BIGly!!!

I think I coined a phrase “Fishing for the Numbers by the Numbers” by incorporating all methods and strategies to gain my odds on the water for numbers as well as numbers of trophies. By the end of the day and all the numbers were tallied for 2017 I broke many records for the Master Angler Program in at least 2 counties.

I’m hoping for an even better season for 2018 and success for the fishermen following BBG!


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That's crazy to me but obviously we rarely get any ice formation where I live and fish........on rare occasions we will skim over to maybe an inch.......NEVER seen what folks call "safe" ice in northeastern North Carolina.......good luck up there Slip and be safe this winter.......I'll try not to wish your ice fishing away as I'm already counting down to Spring.......LOL 

...lost the whole short ice season to long transitions and back problems last year... hopefully ii'll be able to get out there to enjoy the tug... this early ice i may be able to score an opportunity to tag a certificate fish in the months i have 0 in the column... Nov, Dec, Mar & Apr.

thanks...yeah safe ice for me is 4"+ on known BOWS... Ive been looking forward to spring since mid Octobers freeze.... lol

Near as I can tell on an east/west line I’m at least an hour north of you, Ken. We are totally iced over everywhere including rivers. Many have been ice fishing already and report 7-10”, safe enough to walk on and fish but not drive your vehicles on. We are stuck with this ice for the next 5 months at least. We’ve been way under “normal” temps for about 45/60 days. Never had “Indian Summer”.

...yeah ... we are in the 3-4" range right now with mid 40's and sun tomorrow... sheesh... yeah about 4-months of ice left for us... usually complete ice-out on avg is first week in april.

this yer they predict an el-nino with above normal temps and below normal precip concerning your area...

Sometimes I find myself getting hung up on one presentation even when the bite slows. Being versatile equals more quality fish. It sounds like you have unlocked this secret. Congratulations!

... Thanks Vinnie... i basically feeling really comfortable fishing the lakes on my list... maybe add one or two lakes to next years agenda to toughen it up a it's really exciting to have the experience with time on the water finding some good spots ... then to bring family and friends out to experience a good bite.

again congrats on your retirement... exciting to free up some hours to fish!

I have followed John Aldin  Knights soulunar  tables since the late 70's and definitely can attest to how the moon affects fish and game feeding times.

...thanks Vinnie!... looks like a very good internet source... thanks for sharing.

20181211-~~<")))))><(---*Ice Period*--12%/32°

20181211~First time out on the ice… testing for ice conditions and thickness… 0 fish in just over an hour.

20181213-~~<")))))><(---*Ice Period*--24%/32°

20181211~PB Trophy B.Crappie thru the ice


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