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20170207----~~<")))))><(---*Hard-Water Period*--14" ICE

there are just a few things that will keep me off the ice ... and rain is one of them. rain all day highs near 40.

20170208----~~<")))))><(---*Hard-Water Period*--ICE

Just a heads up a full moon day is coming up this Friday… a 100% fish activity day. These full and new moon periods are great times for tagging quality and numbers of fish. Tagged my PB P.Seed on the new Moon 20170127.

Fishing is usually good preceding and proceding a new or full moon. Should be a great weekend for those who can get out there. 


Right spot at the right time… perfectly coordinated with the Solunar table.

20170209----~~<")))))><(---*Hard-Water Period*--ICE

Solunar Theory applied to fishing...

"The solunar theory was initially proposed by the American John Alden Knight in 1926 and has been supported by the systematic analyses of scientists and biologists in subsequent years.

It is based on experimental incidents from which it can be deduced that the action of the sun and the moon influences the activity of all living beings in nature. The times of day in which living beings show greater activity are the so-called solunar periods.

We can distinguish two types of solunar periods:

Major periods:

They have approximately 2 hours duration although on certain occasions they may exceed 3 hours. They begin the moment of the lunar transit (when the moon is overhead) and the opposing lunar transit (when the moon is under our feet). Normally these are the moments of greatest fish activity during each day. The most fervent supporters of this theory state that there is not one species of sport fish that cannot be found eating during a major Solunar Period.

Minor periods:

They are intermediate periods of lesser duration (approximately 1 hour) which coincide with the rising and the setting of the moon. During these periods there is also an increase in fish activity in relation to the rest of the day.

The solunar periods appear 4 times every lunar day. Remember that a lunar day lasts 24 hours and 50 minutes approximately so normally within the same day (24h) we will find 2 Major Periods and two Minor Periods.

We can also observe a notable increase in the activity of fish if the sunrise or sunset takes place during the solunar period. "

the lunar tables work,used to try to fish the peaks and it really seemed to work.i now fish when i can and not when i want to.

Yep most important of all is to just get out there! I figure while I’m out there might as well keep track of the periods.

Ice fishing this year was eye widening when tracking fish activity in relation to the solunar periods. Under the ice the fish are in a more controlled environment to study. I wasn’t dealing with other variables like wind etc. Actually finding we could just about set our watches to the activity.

20170211----~~<")))))><(---*Hard-Water Period*--14" ICE

Two Days of the Full Moon…

Friday I set off to Wixom Lake… where I caught my PB P.Seed Jan 27th. The lake was loaded with the seasonal shanties like usual. Wind was strong and blustery and shortened my trip on the ice considerably. With gusts approaching 40 mph the wind chills were extensive.

Drilled a few holes and talked to few fishermen that were blanking out on the fish. Marked and tagged a few dink Y.Perch to 6 inches. The snow blew off the lake and just left slick ice to walk on. With my ice cleats at home I decided to pack it in and gave in to the weather.

On the drive home I steered the vehicle to a small private lake that just may offer some wind protection. Half way there I started developing leg pain and spasms and decide to finally call it and start fresh with a major solunar period Saturday.

Saturday… Fishing Points App rates the day at 93 a very high rating still considering the slight fade in Full Moon status. With lower back pain extending to the toes and back spasms most of the night I thought the day was going to be scratched. With some extended stretching and basement walking I worked it off to the point I was able to make the trip to a local private lake.

As I pulled into the boat launch adjacent to one of my favorite waypoints I was welcomed by a significant number of fishermen out on the ice. Why not? It was a beautiful Feb day with sun and highs in the mid-forties with calm variable winds.

I shed the ice jacket quickly while drilling multiple holes in and around waypoints where I marked a group of stumps… a significant panfish magnet. This spot in Post summer period last season gave up my PB P.Seed at the time of 9.6”.

In a matter of minutes I was into the fish… quality fish at that on the Lil Minnow. I battled a LMB of 16.5” that had some very impressive runs that got the attention of a few locals. After a few minutes of some spool burning runs the LMB gave in to the UL tackle to pose for a few snaps and was quickly returned to the hole.

I shifted attention to a different hole cut into the 14” of ice that showed 1’ foot of weed growth. A couple minutes of twitching a tungsten/live-waxie combo above the weed growth was too much for an impressive P.Seed of 9.3”. a truly slob of a fish. I turned away from the crowds and secretly snapped a few poses and a couple on the board for validation and released the trophy.

Minutes later I was into another brute of a panfish in the same spot… my heart skipped a beat as I eased the big Y.Perch onto the ice… measured just a tick under the 12” mark… nice fish on the tungsten/live-waxie combination.

Sticking with the general location of the submerged stump field I tied into another jumbo that was circling deep under the ice… I thought “major Lepomis”. After a hard fought battle I eased this fish onto the ice it was a beautiful jewel of a P.Seed the met the 9.0” mark on the board. TWO Master Angler sized fish in one day and four within a 2 week period!!!... and during the hard water period. Those are some huge odds to overcome.

After tagging another beautiful P.Seed just missing the 9.0” mark I called it a day. JUST WOW…

...20170211~ … another epic battle won

...20170211~ 1st Master Angler P.Seed at 9.3”

...IMG_20170211_154132_1 of 2 Master Angler P.Seeds of the day

...20170211~ … Bruiser 12” class Y.Perch

...20170211_155027_UP AGAINST THE BOARD

...20170211~ 2nd Master Angler Sized P.Seed in a day.

...20170211~ 2nd day of the full moon tags on the Lil Minnow and Tungsten/Live Waxie… (2) Certificate P.Seeds! within minutes of each other!!

20170213----~~<")))))><(---*Hard-Water Period*--15" ICE

Tried a new lake that has a history of trophy B.Gills in the 12” class in recent years. Between Earl and I caught 21 total of sub 7” eaters. The fish were caught deep in extremely clear water from 12 – 45’ FOW with the tiny jigs/live-Waxies on thin super lines. Definitely a lake I will come back with the kayak in open water season.


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John Sheehan commented on dick tabbert's photo


"Good to hear, Dick!"
17 hours ago
dick tabbert commented on dick tabbert's photo


"I've been laid back too long. I've got to get some stuff ready for this season.…"
John Sheehan commented on dick tabbert's photo


" Great work as usual, Dick!"
dick tabbert posted photos
Gerome Hilliard joined J. B. Hillard's group
dick tabbert commented on Joe's photo


tracy willis commented on Joe's photo


"very nice fish.  im ready for warm weather too."
dick tabbert commented on Joe's photo


"Now that's an eater. Gourgious "
Feb 23
dick tabbert commented on Joe's photo


Feb 23
dick tabbert commented on Joe's photo


"Nice bass Joe"
Feb 23
Joe commented on Joe's photo


"To be honest Mr Jeff took them and cropped them for me so I can repost them the right way 😂…"
Feb 23
John Sheehan commented on Joe's photo


"Fine looking Fish you're posting! Glad you found the rotate photo feature. Three steps.…"
Feb 23
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Joe's photo


"Looks like a Chessie cat!"
Feb 22
Joe commented on Joe's photo


"Just thought I would try that color jig since it was already on the line 😆"
Feb 22
Joe posted photos
Feb 22
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Joe's photo


"Pretty…jig inhaled….where did you learn about that color….🤔"
Feb 22
Jeffrey D. Abney commented on Joe's photo


"This is a nice crappie…..I’m very ready for winter to be in the rear…"
Feb 22
Joe commented on Joe's photo


"Thank you Mr John. I have technical difficulties with computers. Mr Jeff is currently working on…"
Feb 22
John Sheehan commented on Joe's photo


"Great looking Crappie!"
Feb 21
Joe posted photos
Feb 21

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