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20171006----~~<")))))><(---*Post Summer*--92%/67°
20171006- I had a great time fishing with my son Kenny on a high solunar percentage day.
We spent the trip Long-Casting/Tiny Jigs and hooked up with many panfish both crappies and B.Gills. no lunker fish were caught in both species but the action was there and kept us busy tagging fish the whole trip.
Fish were still holding in their summer period pattern along edges, pockets and troughs in the weedy flats. My favorite jig pattern was the tiny ice tungstens tipped with GULP pink Maggots… Kenny stuck with the 1” Apex swim minnows on a 1/32 oz jig head.
20171119----~~<")))))><(---*Cold Water Period*--/44°
20171119-the cold water season came upon me before I knew it… I basically held back from the lake and fishing to get quite a few chores done around the house before the holidays.
I have only been out Long-Casting from shore a few times this Cold Water Period with some short sessions tagging a few SMB’s from shore. Hopefully I can finesse one last trip before the ice transition period.
20171209----~~<")))))><(---*Ice Transition Period*-- Low 30's
20171227----~~<")))))><(---*Ice Transition Period*-- Single Digits
waiting on some decent weather to break in the new ice with thicknesses ranging from 4-6" on the main lake air temps are way to frigid to be out there without a heated shelter... some moderating temps coming up next week!
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