Hey guys and gals that love Gill's and have ponds, how 'bout sharing your blogs on PondBoss forum?
Since I’ve become “old and slow”, I’m unable to fish the big waters.
Our ponds are my little slice of heaven, and being an avid fly fisherman, I tie all my flies and use only fly tackle on our ponds.
David, if I recall, you mentioned you had a 3-acre pond?
Tell us about it on PondBoss?
I am particularly interested in what we call Copper Nose Blue Gill – is this what you refer to as Copper Head Blue Gill?
Our CNBG seem to top out about 10+ inches but have had a couple or so from our ponds to hit 11+ inches at 1.25 #’s.
It appears that when they hit ~10 inches they begin to get broader and thicker.
Most of the Arkansas fish farms provide CNBG for pond stocking appear to be mixed genetics.
I currently have stocked “pure” Florida strain genetics and am interested in on the water experience with this “Florida”strain of BG.
“Florida” Copper Nose Blue Gill