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i woke up yesterday morning and went out in my garage and the kids had let the new little puppy in there and some how she knock my rod and reel off the wall where i have them hanging and chew my fenwick hmg bluegill rod into 3 pieces and belive me i was so mad i didnt talk to anybody for about 3 hrs. there went 100 dollars out the door (man i was so mad) so i am looking for another rod but i loved that one so much!!   i think i will make a plaque and hang my rod on it, oh yea she didnt chew on my reel at all so thats a little better!

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Thanks Adam  i will check them out for sure and Falcon does make so good rods i got a Falcon original bass rod and  it is senative and little heavy but a very nice rod.

i been looking on line on these rods and you are right it does say if it is fast action or not but i am going to bass pros friday and check them out and see if i like them or the action mostly and is the st croix premier ul rod any good or equal to the falcon
Mark, take some shaving cream and put around that puppy's mouth and turn him out in the street he won't chew another 100 dollar rod my friend..LMAO
that is funny vic  belive me i wish i could,well the only reason i cant is because of my daughter!
I know I now have a cat that I call the million dollar feline because of the investment I have made for my daughter,,...I hope you get that new rod...


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"Green Sunfish "
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Bill Trussell commented on Bill Trussell's blog post Catfish on the Fly
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Bruce Tomaselli commented on Bill Trussell's blog post Catfish on the Fly
"That had to be a lot of fun on the fly rod."
John Sheehan commented on Bill Trussell's blog post Catfish on the Fly
"Wow, great fight .Especially on a 3 wt. Fly Rod! They are powerful Fish!"
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