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Sorry for the silence and inactivity but I have been nursing my computer back to health and trying to keep up with the Kentucky Derby festivites. Oh well I am on track now and wanted to let everyone know that I posted pictures today of my attempts at using Musky's spoon technigue and all in all it was a success. 7 crappie and one large mouth and a dink gill. I need to work on my presentation a little buy not bad for a 2.5 hour adventure.


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Welcome back, man! I'm enjoying the pics!

Great to hear of your success.....this bait does not discriminate!
I was fortunate enough to fish 9 lakes in the last 7 partners and I caught a total of 138 fish, covering 5 different species, using spoon presentations in water depths from as shallow as 3 ft to as deep as 55 ft.

The black hole
What kinda spoons are those ? Northlands ? See they are nicely marked for weight. steve b
The spoons displayed here are called the rattlin' flash spoon by Blue Fox....the 1/16 oz spoons in the upper tray have been discontinued and are no longer available....If you happen to find any of these anywhere, buy them any price.....they have been the most productive spoons in water temps between the high 40's and high 50's and have already accounted for hundreds of keeper size gills since ice-out.

The 1/8 oz Spoons in the lower tray are considered to be equally as productive once surface temps rise after the spawn, and fish are positioned deeper (10-20') or suspending over deep water.....these 1/8 oz versions are still available thru the BPS online catalog...........See my vid entitled "Blue Fox rattlin' flash spoons"
Hey Musky what would a guy have to pay to get ahold of one of the 1/16 oz flash spoons....................????????????$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$lol
Whatcha do with the Derby ? Have family that most yrs go. They're from N.Va and belong to hunt clubs. Have caught my biggest 'gills in N.Va in farm ponds. Gonna be down your way end of May, but tied up with family stuff, may have to smuggle tele-rod along...shhhh ! steve b
Welcome back Joe. Who's there favorite at the Derby this year? And the odds?
Typically don't pick a horse till the day of? I will say the derby is one of those races where any horse on the track can win......


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