Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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Attached are a couple of pix I took this weekend of my grand-daughter fishing gills through a hatch I installed in the floor of my pontoon boat a few weeks back. I handed her my Frabil icefishing rod after setting the depth and she began jigging away. She got the knack of it in no-time and caught at least a dozen nice slabs right up through the floor while other on the pontoon fished the outer edges. Wish I knew how to post this as a picture but can only add the attachment with hopes you check it out. Sincerely, Bob

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I'm from the Deep South and never understood ice fishing. Drilling holes under your feet over freezing water! I laughed at it.

Drilling holes in the bottom of your boat so your granddaughter can fish. Now I'm smiling. Way to go Gramps!

Don't think that thought didn't enter my mind! I have a pop-up camper with a broken cable that I want to covert into an ice shanty on wheels for this winter. I've started to see more and more of them out on the ice lately. It will have all the features of a camper and of course there will be holes in the floor! Just need to find a place I can get it under a roof for a few days to jack the top up and frame in the sides. Heck, icefishing is only a few more months away up here in the Frozen Tundra!
Nice pictures! Never saw like that before! Show Mr. IceFishing Dave Genz if he can not wait to go ice fishing!
Now thats slick ! Good job Grandpa. steve b
Bob, as an avid ice fisherman, I loved your pictures. She's got the "best seat" in the house!!
Thanks blackhawks:

Now I'm tooling up to make some rod holders for the folks in the front and back so they can set their rods down and not have to hold them or try to rest them on something or another. Thanks to 2lbgill, I have a design I really like and start the proto-type today. I have 2 grandson's who are a bit too young to start fishing yet but in a couple of years, when they are old enough, I hope to have all the time in the world to spend every day on the water with them! Can't wait! Bob


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