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The ice have finally given way to open water once again. All the reels are freshly spooled,the tackel boxes are all organized,the boat is in top running order,and im itchin to get out there.
Im a slip-float guy myself,but i would like to read about everyone eles's early spirng tactic................

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Hey Tony -Explain slip floating to me please.I'll try it this year in your honor.If I use a bobber it's usually fixed.
March is coming and I want to know about March tactics I'm still catching through the ice in Ringwood NJ (Passaic Co).I suspect at ice out I will be driting Bait ,spoons and jigs with a drift sock off my 10' boat or 13 and a 1/2 ' boat.I'll probably work points,bluffs and stream channels.
how you doing john try this link for a look at a slip float rig:

we use them with jigs for crappie on spinning rigs,but they work on live bait just as well. this rig sure makes casting a lot easeyer .

gators are dumb
hey shooter,cool link,way better than the cheese artial i tried to scan.thanks
Thanks Shooter...I'm finding I'm prefering the Eagle Claw rubber stoppers over the sleeve stoppers.Cheaper and they eliminate a need for a problem has been while using the lightest Billy Boy Balsa float I cant find split shot light enough to sink the bait but prevent the float from sinking.I found a bigger Billy Boy float I havent used yet ...hope it works ok.
The bigger float and Trout magnets for gills works fine!
Great Tip #3...not so sure about setting the hook quickly Tip #4... on a day like today I lost them if I didnt let them go a little.

Tip #3 Pay attention. Any movement of the float - down, up, sideways - should be regarded as a fish. If you keep getting strikes while the bait is sinking, the fish are suspended above your depth setting and you should shallow up.
Hey john it sealed like a lot to type so scanned an artical from this months field and stream. So just go to my page and check it out hope it helps.
Tying pieces of rubber bands instead of conventional stops has been working for me too.Again no need for a bead. I use 1&1/2 ''of Rubber band and trim the ends with nail clipper or scissors.


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