Bluegill - Big Bluegill

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i am always hearing about how people love using grass shrimp. I live down south and was wandering if they r down here. Also how would i catch them?

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I googled 'em a few weeks ago. Still don't know nothin'. I finally decided I'd just ask somebody. You beat me to it. I'll wait right here for the info.

Recent Pond Boss thread on shrimp -

I believe the best way to catch them is with a net or seine.

Pretty cool picture of a PK shrimp attached.
Glass shrimp are sold at walmart and a bunch of other pet stores. They usually run close to 10c a pc. Bout the average for fat heads from you local bait store. I know a ton of folks catch these things down around the bay in the grass flats with a sain net or a bait net that has the same mesh as something like a pool net. They say there great for bluegill. I will stick with crickets. There cheaper and easier to get. I know boogieman will agree with that! I think What your lookin for is seed shrimp boogie man. Thats what I hear all the old folks talk about.
Has anybody tried  these grass shrimp? Did you like them?

Used to fish with grass shrimp years ago when the local bait shop kept them in stock.  No one in my area has them any more.  They were more effective a bait than anything else we fished including red worms.  I now order wax worms on line to use and find them effective and cleaner to use than red worms but not as easy to keep alive for long periods.


I have begun to raise wax worms for bait and was pretty successful with it.  I lost my last colony due to mold but just started three new colonies.




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