Tried new tip to me that i read on a website for fishing docks. I pretty much fish docks in deep water in summer for gills but would catch only one every 10 or 15 minutes. A website that i browsing through said when you catch gills in deep water hurry and get your bait back down or throw the remaining piece of bait down. Doing so would attract more bluegills thinking that an nest of insects have hatched. I tried it out yesterday and doing that made a big difference. Hopefully that tip would help others sure helped me.
Hey Tom,
I have this local coney island up here save all of his egg shells for me. When I go ice fishing I crumble them up and drop them in the hole every few minutes once the fish quit biting or if they are not biting. For some reason it works, I think the bluegills think it's an insect hatch and come and investigate. We then catch them on wax worms. Don't know if it will work during summer though, who knows..