i just got back from a weekend on a large lake with my 5 year old daughter
we were litterally the object of much jealously
we caught all the big gills up to 11.25 we could handle, kept a few to eat sent rest back. Now the good part....... we were catching them in 35-40 ft of water. are you smarter than a 5 year old...... A five year old can do it with a slip bobber. It was some of the best action ever , including the spawn.
We don't want to talk to you David, we want to talk to your little girl. Young lady, what did you have at the end of that line those big gills liked so much? Show your dad how to get the pictures on here would you?
David, the pictures are easy to upload. If you want to put one in a discussion like this, at the top of the reply box on the top bar is a camera icon along with other tools. Click on the camera, click browse if it is on your hard drive to find it or go to the next line if it is online somewhere. If you want them in your own album on here, there is a quick add drop down to the right of here and just above the activity column. You can also add them from your page here.
Hurry up, so we can see your fisher girl in action.